
Ability to select language profile (and UI config) when creating a new session

Kenneth 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 0

Since we support end-users all around europe, we would like to be able to create sessions in different languages (and UI configs).

Please give use the ability to select between different customizations when creating a session.

I also think it would be great if the end-user and the tech can have different language settings for the session.

e.g. "Tech Steve" would like his session to be in english as he's used to."

End-user Pablo" needs support and needs his entire experience in spanish. In addition there is custom branding, landing page, email, etc for his experience.

Meanwhile "End-user Franz" has a customized experience where everything he sees is translated to german and the UI has different settings for him.



Hi Kenneth,

Are you aware of the Translation/Localization category on the Extension Browser? If you have say the Spanish Translation installed and you create a new session with a guest who has Spanish as a preferred and enabled language in their web browser it should translate the text on the guest page and client to the guest preferred language. Give it a try and let us know if you notice any issues.

Your request for client customization options per session was a duplicate request, so I merged it as a +1.


Hi Kenneth,

Are you aware of the Translation/Localization category on the Extension Browser? If you have say the Spanish Translation installed and you create a new session with a guest who has Spanish as a preferred and enabled language in their web browser it should translate the text on the guest page and client to the guest preferred language. Give it a try and let us know if you notice any issues.

Your request for client customization options per session was a duplicate request, so I merged it as a +1.