
Blank Guest Monitor feature does not blank out the screen if the host clicks on the taskbar or start button

Ryan 9 years ago updated by John Massaad 8 years ago 8

Blank Guest Monitor feature does not blank out the screen if the host clicks on the taskbar or start button - #7562442 - fr



Hello All,

Microsoft has improved their capture method with the Windows 10 OS release which allowed us to correct the behavior; unfortunately, we cannot fix the behavior on previous Windows versions.

Really need "screen blank" to blank the screen. This is especially bad as there is no way to even know what "shows" through. Thought this would have been addressed in v6.0 but it does not seem so from today's webinar.

Pending Review

Hello All,

Microsoft has improved their capture method with the Windows 10 OS release which allowed us to correct the behavior; unfortunately, we cannot fix the behavior on previous Windows versions.

Note: For really old video cards, if CPU spikes for screenconnect when you're connected Blank screen will reduce CPU usage :)

This is a request from one of our large client. is there any plan to fix it? so it will not show anything?