Under Review

direct download URL

Richard Cooke 8 years ago updated by santos 9 months ago 2

I have customers that struggle getting the remote client installed so I can work on their machine. The existing workflow is too many steps:

1. Navigate to XXX.screenconnect.com

2. Click white on red arrow bellow Build Installer


4. Run the Download

They would rather have one URL that picks the right download type for their OS and initiates a download of it. The workflow would be much shorter:

1. Go to XXXX.screenconnect.com/install

- OS detected, appropriate guest picked

- Download started

2. Run the download

You can see I'm basing this off of my URL so the system knows who they want to connect to. And There could be several options besides "install" such as:

- "/support" to get a support session going (default session name, or client enters)

- "/helpme" instead of "/install". Perhaps the name could be set in the config?

Having a dedicated link that does auto OS detection and create a builder would be nice for Access items. Some workarounds till then:

See www.davidthegeek.com

Red link = Windows Access (msi installer is a backup in case .exe fails, don't have to use it as often)

It's a pre-built windows installer with use custom name: 1----%COMPUTERNAME%

Then I have a Session Group that is: Name LIKE '1----*'

New computer installs appear in there, I rename them once they're connected so it's always clean and I can tell new installs.

If you had lots of Mac/Linux clients you could probably do the same build extra installers for those OSs. I rarely do Access installs for Macs unless they're NOT Macbooks as the Screenconnect java guest client is a battery hog (at last check). Leave a Support download for them on their desktop and all they have to do is double-click it for reconnects.

Or....use the green link (Support).

Then I can create support session as Published with their name, tell them to click the arrow by their name (wait for them to get to the screenconnect page before you publish so there's a visual change on the screen as I'm talking with them). Once I'm in I can setup permanent Access if necessary. I use the "List Published Sessions" extension so if there's more than one published session it just shows up.

You'll need a website where you can post files for download...and I have to recreate the Built Access installer with each Screenconnect version so it installs latest.


how do i go on google with this