
Shutdown Unattended Machines

DaMtechMatt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 3

Can we have a way to shutdown unattended workstations without the need to connect to the workstation first?

Having to do 200 machines, one at a time is a bit of a pain.



...as a workaround you can send the command: shutdown /s /f

using the Commands section. Use the Command Toolbox to remember the command for reuse

Check out other useful things you can do here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l8fTJBo1Om4G5o7hNYCLNS0kqQoKfysv5CzAaMG11HQ/edit

Add useful commands yourself if you have some not listed :)


...as a workaround you can send the command: shutdown /s /f

using the Commands section. Use the Command Toolbox to remember the command for reuse

Check out other useful things you can do here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l8fTJBo1Om4G5o7hNYCLNS0kqQoKfysv5CzAaMG11HQ/edit

Add useful commands yourself if you have some not listed :)

The CMD window by itself is pretty powerful and pre-plugging a bunch of commands into Command Toolbox is a huge boost.