
End (session) should be changed to Delete Account

ebborner 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

Currently there is an option when in 'Access' to End a Session. Ending a session and ending an instance can be interpreted as one and the same. When a session is ended it actually deletes the access account from the access control panel. That is why i suggest changing the button to read 'Delete Account'.



Hi ebborner,

In 6.2, we combined End, Uninstall, and the new command, Uninstall and End, in a single modal for Access sessions. We've also made a change to the End icon, so it represents the command a bit better. The changes should take care of the problem you're dealing with, if it doesn't, please let me know.

Good morning and thank you for providing feedback!

Since this topic is more like a feature request than a bug report, I am going to move this over to the ConnectWise Control Feature Request Portal so it can be reviewed by our product management team.




Hi ebborner,

In 6.2, we combined End, Uninstall, and the new command, Uninstall and End, in a single modal for Access sessions. We've also made a change to the End icon, so it represents the command a bit better. The changes should take care of the problem you're dealing with, if it doesn't, please let me know.