
Install to the current user without admin privileges

Kevin Rancourt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 6

Most users that we have to deal with are not in the same office, and they are standard users, meaning they cant install the .exe or the .msi ( i guess because of the service installation)

is there any way i could build an installer that will install only for the current user and would not require them to be admin ?

Would save so much time




Hi Kevin,

There isn't a way to set the access installer for a limited user. The local admin would have to allow the standard user to install MSI packages. Otherwise, the standard user must enter an admin password or contact their local admin for passage, and this is because of how security policies are set up on their end.


Hi Kevin,

There isn't a way to set the access installer for a limited user. The local admin would have to allow the standard user to install MSI packages. Otherwise, the standard user must enter an admin password or contact their local admin for passage, and this is because of how security policies are set up on their end.


I understand that, but the only thing that is currently blocking most of the remote users is that screen connect is creating a Windows Service, do you know if that is possible to do the exact same thing without the need of a service ?

The software could run when the user click on it and then when he reboots i would not be able to access it until the user click on that same EXE again

This way we would be able to send exes to customers and they would be able to keep it and only click on the exe ( no need to create a Service because it would be running as the current user ) and i would be able to connect

Would that be possible ?



Standard users can join support sessions.

"The software could run when the user click on it and then when he reboots i would not be able to access it until the user click on that same EXE again"

You may want to try the Guest Session Starter Exe Extension.

Ohh ! I will give this a try

Thanks alot

I Will love you if it works :)

Hi Kristen, i had time to work with the feature this weekend.

I also saw people passing parameters in cmd line or in the exe with the session name / port and stuff like that
Where can i get informations on how to add these parameters in the exe ? or with a cmd line ?

The option you guys have called URLLAUNCH is passing all the options needed and i would like to know how to do that directly from a cmd line with the exe already on the computer

Is there a way to do that ?

Thanks for your time.


Try installing the Guest Session Starter Extension and have your guests navigate to your guest page. Once there they can click "Start a new session" and use the ClickOnce RT option. This is probably your best bet.

If you're not satisfied with this method, you can post on our community forum for feedback on nonstandard workarounds.