Welcome to the ConnectWise View Feature Request Forum

Please use this space to share your ideas. 


ConnectWise View gives a knowledgeable expert the ability to connect to a field tech's or customer's mobile device camera. Ultimately, these "experts" will be able to see what's going on and assist the technician/customer without having to travel offsite. 

Below are a few tips and rules for those who wish to participate, please read through them. 


  • Search for an existing improvement or feature request before adding your own. This helps us prevent duplicate entries and track all suggestions. Note, you will probably have to search the community forum beforehand to help prevent duplicates. 
  • If you find a matching request, give it a thumbs up and throw in a comment.
  • If you can't find a request for an item you need, create your own request. Provide as many details as you can, especially regarding possible use cases.


  • No spam, advertising, or self-promotion.
  • No offensive posts, links, or images.
  • Only one request per post.
  • Administrators have the ability to moderate the forums, including editing, deleting, and moving posts. Posts may be deleted for any reason, with or without notification.

If you have questions please email us directly at PM@ScreenConnect.com

Pending Review

Output of Audit Logs to a SIEM & Audit Security Read Rights without being Administrator

mjh77 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

We would like to output the audit logs into our SIEM using Log Rhythm or would like to be able to grant our security team access to be able to access the audit logs without being an Administrator - like a read only administrator account.

Considering for Future Release

Let View work with Chrome on iOS

carl powers 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 5 years ago 2
Considering for Future Release

GPS Metadata/Google Maps API Hook/Plugin

Max 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Would be cool to have a GPS Location from those presenting. For example, worker out in the field could stream back what he was seeing at a location and the GPS/GoogleMap location would appear on the right side for the viewer.

Considering for Future Release

ConnectWise View ability to use flashlight on smartphone

adytewski 4 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 1

Hello Connectwise,

If possible can you develop\provide access to the phone's hardware, more specifically the flashlight as this would be good to highlight issues in dim and darker enviornments.

Thank you


Considering for Future Release

Maintain live stream when cameraperson minimizes browser

anonymous 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

Per Partner -

There should be an option in which we can minimize the camera on the phone and still the video will go on.

Considering for Future Release

Add the ability to toggle auto rotate in session

anonymous 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

Request is for the ability to toggle auto rotate in session.

Considering for Future Release

Add the ability to communicate in session via chat messages

anonymous 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

Request is for both connected peers to communicate via chat messages in session.

Pending Review

User Survey

neodeckholdings com 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 0


It would be nice to add a functionality to have user feedback once a connection is finished. It would be nice to be able to customize one or two questions and a comment area and then be able to download a report per user.

Same as this but for us.

Image 905


Edgardo Garcia. 

Considering for Future Release

Start view session from a ticket

BrentK 4 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 4 years ago 2

It would be great if we could start a session from a ticket rather than logging into Control seperately

Considering for Future Release

Throw dialog for cameraperson to confirm/cancel action to exit the session

anonymous 6 years ago updated by Sean White 5 years ago 1

Per Partner -

To prevent accidental disconnection, I think there should be a confirmation dialog asking the user if they really want to leave the session. Currently, tapping the back button lets you leave the session. There is no confirmation dialog.