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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Elevate-As-User rather than Temp Admin
Elevate-As-User rather than Temp Admin similar to how AutoElevate does it.
This way when an application gets elevated, the user's personal folders (Desktop/My Documents/Downloads/ex...) folders that are user specific are of that user, rather than TempAdmin-56af925c

Teams integration customization
We tried the new Teams integration and noticed it now has the justification field but no way to customize it at all. With the previous method of alerting via session trigger, I was able to edit the JSON to remove some info we aren't interested in such as user groups and also added a hyperlink/buttons to scan the certificates and file hashes in VirusTotal -
"https://virustotal.com/gui/file/{GETDATAFIELD(CorrelationEvent.Data, 'CertificateThumbprint'):jsnq}"}}]}},
{{"type":"ActionSet","actions":[{{"type":"Action.OpenUrl","title":"File hash","url":
"https://virustotal.com/gui/file/{GETDATAFIELD(CorrelationEvent.Data, 'FileSha256'):jsnq}"}}]}},
It would be nice if we could customize the new integration option.

Teams notification reason field
The email notification has a field for the reason entered on the UAC prompt by the user, it would be helpful to have a variable for this in the Teams notification.

Hi Jonathan -- if provided, the reason will be visible in the teams notification:

Automatically close CAM tickets if a rule auto approves the elevation request
It would be nice to have some indication on the ticket that an elevation request was auto approved by a rule when this takes place. Additionally perhaps automatically close the ticket in Manage so we are not left with manual tasks to perform.
Additionally would it be possible to auto close the ticket if the technician is already connected to the machine and handles the elevation request themselves?
Essentially I only want CAM tickets for requests that initiated from end users where we still need to DO something. But currently the only option is to have a ticket no matter what the scenario is.

Save UNC Credentials
We often have EXEs from an UNC Path of a Server which is part of an Active Directory. The user itself has rights to access the Path with the EXE, but the created Temp-Admin does not have these rights. It would be nice to save Credentials for a Specific generic Active-Directory User which can be used in the Elevated User Session to gain access to the originally opened file from an UNC-Path. In the actual way the Elevation Prompt is automatically closed but then the user gets directly asked to enter another set of credentials - which should be his own, but they do not get it.
I even tried this article, but the option did not work...

Set Up Table Audit Report
Be able to run a report showing what tables were updated including the date and member. Include filter options on table, date by range and members. Ideal would to also show previous value.

elevation request grouping
It would be great if Connectwise auto grouped machines into a folder when they had requested admin elevation. That way we could see who did and approve or deny them much easier than searching for the red dot.

CAMs Ticket Created for the associated device
When a ticket is created for a user requesting admin access the ticket should be created under that user not under the POC.

Show file path when the Windows Storage API is invoked when attempting to delete a file as a administrator
Asio pushing updates out for installed applications. Some apps install an icon onto the public desktop of the workstations, which users are then attempting to delete, sending in a CAM elevation request, generating a ticket, and needing a call back from one of our techs to understand and resolve.
It would be great to allow users to delete any files with the shortcut extension rather than a relatively generic Microsoft Windows program name, "Microsoft WinRT Storage API", which by itself could be any elevated file action -- e.g. moving/deleting/accessing protected files, or some other storage API action.
Adding some kind of extra filter into these requests to be able to identify the particular file action would really help.
Customer support service by UserEcho