Under review

Trigger support for multiple publishers

kevin mcgillicuddy 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 2

I have a rule like this:

Event.EventType = 'RequestedElevation' AND (GETDATAFIELD(CorrelationEvent.Data, 'PublisherName') = 'Adobe Inc.' OR GETDATAFIELD(CorrelationEvent.Data, 'PublisherName') = 'Adobe Systems, Incorporated')

and it does not seem to be working and wondering if my syntax is off - I want to do something if the EventType is RequestedElevation and the publisher name is 1 of 2 options

Hi Kevin, 

Might be best to reach out to support for a closer look. On it's face, this filter is correct. Wondering if there might be some nuance like 'Adobe Systems Incorporated' instead of 'Adobe Systems, Incorporated' that we could review from your actual Encountered Elevation Prompt. 

Support said this was not supported and to post here... I have a few of these for like Quickbooks, Intuit etc 

I did copy the publisher name from the actual live events that happened