Your comments
Thank you :)
And also, i know exactly how work the sub-group expression!
Here's one of my subgroup expression!
CustomProperty4, IIF(CustomProperty7 = 'MTY', 'MTY', IIF(CustomProperty7 = 'FoodTastic', 'FoodTastic', IIF(CustomProperty7 = 'A5', 'A5', ' Dont have Brand Owner'))), CustomProperty6, IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, on*', ' -ONTARIO', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, qc*', ' -QUEBEC', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, mb*', ' -MANITOBA', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, NL*', ' -NEWFOUNDLAND/LABRADOR', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, PE*', ' -PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, NS*', ' -NOVA SCOTIA', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, NB*', ' -NEW BRUNSWICK', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, SK*', ' -SASKATCHEWAN', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, AB*', ' -ALBERTA', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, BC*', ' -BRITISH COLUMBIA', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, YT*', ' -YUKON', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, NT*', ' -NORTHWEST TERRITORIES', IIF(CustomProperty5 like '*, NU*', ' -NUNAVUT', CustomProperty5))))))))))))), name, CustomProperty1
I beg to differ! I is absolutely false! Only the first 3 drop down will offset.
Look at the picture, you will see that i have a total of 7 subgroup but only the first 3 will offset and it's confusing when the last machine is equal from another group.
- It would also nice to have the ability to set a password to access certain files or folder in the tool box.
- Also having be ability to either allow or restrict access users to use personal tools box
Customer support service by UserEcho
If this get done, since you will be reworking the tool box, also have different tool box for standard session and backstage session would be great. The tools use in those 2 type of session vary greatly.