Your comments

I should clarify that these Azure instances are being deployed to our users and they aren't servers, for our use case.  If they were servers, I definitely wouldn't care as much about some of the items mentioned in my previous reply.

That is true and is important, because without that we wouldn't be able to join a remote session on these computers at all.  However, it doesn't provide all of the detail that you would get in the "General" pane particularly for the Session information, most importantly if anyone is actually connected to the instance.  It won't show the screenshot.  It also won't be searchable anywhere, so we have to use another source like SCCM or AD to pull the user associated with the specific Azure instance.

It would be really helpful to have this functionality.  Our Azure vendor uses software that initiates RDP sessions to connect to the device.  As it stands, we can't see any of the useful information like who is connecting, the session times, or the screenshots.  It would be nice if Connectwise supported this and I'm surprised it hasn't become more prevalent given the growing use of Azure/AWS computing.