Under review

Expand printer redirection support to better utilize native print drivers

Michael Legato (Support) 7 years ago updated by TRPCOMP Dan 5 years ago 3

Partner is attempting to print to a Canon printer mapped through Control that has 4 trays. The printer maps over and prints successfully, but will only print to the default tray. He is looking to see if we can expand support of the remote printing functionality to better handle situations like these and better utilize the functionality of the native printer drivers.


The print driver shows up to 3 trays for my HP 8740 printer, but all printouts are directed to tray 1 regardless of tray chosen.  This is a feature I use quite often.  Would really be nice to get this working.

The same issue with a financial client who uses their own SC to print payroll recently bought a new KYOCERA and the driver SC pulls will not allow multi trey selection. Would it be crazy to ask to allow us to select a driver to use?