Under Review

remote print mac

Clickcomp 8 years ago updated by Michelle 3 years ago 19 2 duplicates

I need to be able to print from a Windows Machine on a Mac

Duplicates 2

Please add remote printing support for a Mac

I'm stunned this isn't supported since LogMeIn and TeamViewer both have had support for this for years!  

Any Idea when will be able to use remote print mac?

I was told I could support a Mac.  No one told me the print function wouldn't work.  Please upgrade to include this

I need remote printing for Mac Please

Still need to have remote printing added for Macs.  This is becoming so much more crucial now during this time as more and more people are trying to work from home.  Please push to this feature added.

Obviously ConnectWise doesn't care about this feature since it's sat here for over a year.  It's not a difficult feature to implement since LogMeIn and others have been utilizing it for years.  Based on how slowly it is moving its Automate solution to the web, it would appear ConnectWise is more concerned with acquiring other businesses with technology such as LatTech than actually advancing technology.

Seriously!  This feature request is 3+ years old and as the above states... pretty obviously a necessary component.  Amazing

This is ridiculous, until I was asked I didn't even consider it wouldn't be implemented, it is such a basic requirement for remote working. Even MS implement it on RDP

ConnectWise please implement this ASAP

Would really like to see this implemented. I think Teamviewer even has it.

remote printing on a Mac is a must for people who are working from home! please add this request ASAP 

I cannot fathom how in 2021, over a year into the biggest work-from-home change to ever be had, that this feature is still not available.


Hello Support .

Remote printing for mac machines is not available for many years . when it would be added  ?

Just realised that Remote Printing for MAC is not available with Control and appears to not be in the roadmap of features, we have clients who have worked remotely with LMI and remote printing for years and following the 31st July when LMI becomes unavailable to client what do we do?  Please make this a feature

Yes please. This is one of the missing features that is a deal-breaker for one of our clients. They would use this to work from home.

This would be great to have soon.

So, we had LMI removed from the End User portal only to find out that those who are working remotely from Macs can no longer effectively do so. In today's age, where Macs are becoming a more significant portion of our supported desktops, ConnectWise decided that it was acceptable to take away Mac remote printing support without providing a solution to replace it with. If this isn't implemented soon, I don't think we'll be the only ones looking for alternative RMM solutions. 

Am I missing something - why can't I print remotely on my Mac?