Under Review
Connect to multiple different users on the same terminal server
We've frequently ran into the need to be able to have different technicians connect to different "guest" sessions on the same terminal server at the same time. Currently we fight over whose already in a machine.
Customer support service by UserEcho
It is possible to have two access sessions on a single server.
Is that what you needed? If not, could you please explain further?
Yes, that is what we need.
Do you want both (all) of those sessions to share the same content or do you want them to each be able to interact independently?
Yes, we want to have own desktop for every session.
Then you'll need to use the Remote Desktop/Terminal services role from Microsoft and then clients connect via the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) instead of via ScreenConnect.
Yes, that is also possible but we want to use screenconnect. This way the customer connects to our site not vise versa.
Then look at: http://screenconnect.userecho.com/topics/414-connect-to-multiple-different-users-on-the-same-terminal-server/
I know these are kind of cross-connected: http://product.screenconnect.com/topics/171-two-unattended-access-sessions-on-single-server/, but is there any update on this feature? Getting tired of battling between different hosts on the same server:
Yes...we need this! This has been an issue that we've worked around but is getting worse. We drive vendors through Automate's Web Control Center and the RemoteAccess works to launch a Control session. This is causing vendors to step on each other's toes.
Multiple concurrent dedicated sessions are a must! Thanks!
How many vote do you need to start developing this feature?
Yeap! This is will be a great feature
Lack of this feature and SSO (which I know is coming) makes this a hard sell for an enterprise access tool. Too bad, this one the best remote access tools I have POC'd.
Hi Support,
We definitely need this option. Please let us know if its available in the new version?
I vote yes!!!
We need the ability for multiple users to access a terminal server as individual sessions (much like an RDP session).
Yes I agree. This funktion would be goot improvement. I would like to install a Ubuntu-LTSD Server. Serveral users should be able to use the system at the same time. Is the any possibility to realise a screenconnect session for multiple users to the LTSD system. Each of the users should connect with own login to own display at the same time.
Possibly related issue: unable to see console-user gui-desktop-session in some cases on MacOS. Details below.
Suppose you have a mac with logged on User-A on console, that is, running the usual local desktop-GUI session. On macos, starting around 2015 with 10.7 or so, the "Screen Sharing" app from apple gives remote person a choice: do you want to ask to connect to the logged-on console-user's current existing session (user A), or connect to some other users account ( let us call that user B). User B may or may not have an existing gui-session. If not, then another desktop-GUI session begins for user B. Note that unlike remote-desktop for windows, the existing console user A is not kicked out but can continue to use their mac, even while the other user B is connected to a simultaneously running desktop-gui-session, accessed remotely with Screen Sharing. The userB session remains running even when the remote mac disconnects, and stays running until user B logs out (or mac is rebooted).
In this scenario, screenconnect version 6.6 lets me choose to view the other user B, or login screen, but not the console user A. (I'll test further and give step-by-step how to recreate this scenario: it may require fast-user-switching be enabled. I'd like to be able to use screenconnect to see console user's session but it is not listed under View-> Select Logon Session: the only 2 options are "Login screen" and the "other user B".
This is a big one for us as well. We get requests from our vendors on a regular basis to be able to access independent sessions on a terminal server. The only work around currently is to provide them an RDP session, but we would like to control all the access through Control.
On another note, restricting certain users form accessing other user's session would be a great feature (proabably should add that as a second feature request)
In most cases, we want the vendors to be able to login via Control, and only to their own independent sessions, without the ability to sneak up on any other logged in session on the server.
When is this going to be released? Would love to be able to offer end-users the ability to connect into RDP/TS sessions using Connectwise Control instead of VPN first.
Any update on this feature request?
Doesn't the new Bridge extension provide this functionality?
Would be nice if Connectwise could actually respond...
Any word on this? Could be EXTREMELY useful considering everyone globally is working from home recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Would be really nice to get some update on this feature request...but I'm not holding my breath...
This issue is why we are looking into testing/developing other remote access applications
There will be no update.
Hi All,
Thanks for following up, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently investigating this and cannot provide an exact ETA on when it will be implemented.
I want to know, if currently this option is available ?
Because in my lab have a workstation and with the lab members, we need to use the WS with different users and only to their own independent sessions