
Visual Studio Pro Admin Session

Rimtec 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

We set up automatic approval to run Visual Studio Pro as admin as some projects require it. However, a new admin user gets created every time Visual Studio Pro is run as admin. This is an issue because Visual Studio Pro resets back to factory settings since it’s being run for the first time from within the newly created admin user. This means installing all the plugins / packages / dependencies every time Visual Studio is run as admin. Is it possible for the admin user profile to persist? or any other solution?


Hi Rimtec! We're currently putting the finishing touches on the ability to elevate as the current user with a special token that includes local admin permissions, which should solve this problem. We're hoping to have it out in the first release of 2024, but still nailing down a specific ETA. 

Hey Caitlin,

Hope you are doing well.

I just wanted to follow up if we have the ability to elevate as the current user with a special token?