Considering for Future Release

Custom keyboard shortcuts for send Ctrl+Alt+Del and Send Clipboard Keystrokes

Iggy 9 years ago updated by Davison 9 months ago 36

I would like to request the ability to map custom keyboard shortcuts to the above mention functions.

Iggy, for Windows Ctrl+Alt+Del shortcut is mapped as Ctrl+Alt+Home. View other shortcuts here: https://help.screenconnect.com/Keyboard_mapping_and_keyboard_shortcuts_reference

Sending Clipboard Keystrokes will remain a valid request. Thanks!

Pending Review

I have received requests from techs for a shortcut for send clipboard as keystrokes as they use this every single time they connect to something.

Came here to open a new request for this and forgot that I had already found one a few months ago and then was sad to see zero movement on it. I really don't care if we have the ability to customize the shortcut so much as that there just be a shortcut for send clipboard keystrokes. Here is a link to the current keyboard shortcuts if anyone is looking for it while reading this request. https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Knowledge_base/Keyboard_mapping_and_keyboard_shortcuts_reference

SW MSP Anywhere uses CTRL+SHIFT+X for this, seems like a pretty good choice. Of course ideally all KB shortcuts would be configurable.

I don't really care if I can customize it.  I just need A keyboard shortcut for clipboard keystrokes.

We're transitioning from MSP Anywhere which does have it, and we use it dozens of times every day.   Having to click it instead will end up costing us real man-hours over time.

Considering for Future Release

Have been checking on this request for a while so thought I should add to it. We do the send clipboard most times we connect to a server and it would be so much easier to have a shortcut key for it. CTRL+ALT+V would make most sense to me but anything will do really. 

Been waiting for this for over 2 years now. Got excited when saw the "Considering for Future Release" tag but 9 months after still nothing.

Like others above, in most cases I can work around whatever hotkeys are assigned (though Ctrl+Alt+Ins would be nice), I'd just like to see one implemented.


I was really hoping that there was a shortcut for sending keystrokes instead of navigating to the UI. Why hasn't this feature been implemented yet? Its been three years now.


I see this is a rather old thread, but agree that a shortcut key combo needs to be added for Send Keyboard Keystrokes. I can ctrl-alt-del using a shortcut key, but then need to leave the keyboard and go back to my mouse to paste the password. Gave this my up vote.


This is a much needed feature. Please add hot key capabilities for "Send Clipboard Keystrokes"

Is this going to be a feature in the near future? This is so much needed feature!!!

Another bump for this one. The adding of links for send ctrl+alt+del was nice, as well as send saved creds, but the hotkeys would be brilliant too.


Another bump for Sending Clipboard Keystrokes to something like CTL+SHIFT+X like N-Able.


Another bump for Sending Clipboard Keystrokes to something like CTL+SHIFT+X like N-Able.

We use this probably 30 times a day per MSE. BUMP


Can this PLEASE be looked at?
All I want is a shortcut key to paste in - hundreds of times a day we log into a server and paste in the password from our password manager.

6 YEARS after initial request and this is still not a feature.
Surely not a hard thing to add :(


This would be a wonderful feature to have

Another Bump for 'Send Clipboard Keystrokes' hotkey

Please make sure the Mac client gets the keyboard shortcut for "Send Clipboard Keystrokes" as well

Another vote for a 'send clipboard keystrokes' shortcut

Please please please add this feature, surely it is very easy to add and it would be so useful. 


Yes, this would be quite useful, as it would essentially allow for the convenience of the "shared clipboard" feature without the security problems of actually sharing a clipboard.  Given the small amount of work that it would take to simply add a new keyboard shortcut, a key combination to "paste" from the host side without actually populating the clipboard on the client side should be a high priority.

Umm, where this feature at?

MacOS has support for systemwide 'App Shortcuts" - found in system preferences. These work by inputting the exact name of a menu item and assigning a shortcut. For example, here I have set command-v to be the shortcut for "Send Clipboard Keystrokes":

You can then see the shortcut appears within the connectwise client menu:

However, when you press it nothing happens (unless you already have the 'essentials' menu open, then it works fine).

I did find this:


If the devs could have a look at that and figure out what is preventing these systemwide menubar shortcuts from working, it would be an easy(er) way to add customisability in the form of shortcuts for every available menu option.

I've not used app shortcuts before! I configured it to use shift-cmd-D and it works without the Essentials menu being expanded. I suspect cmd-v might be conflicting with your system wide default for paste. 

The other solution I've found was picking up an Elgato Stream Deck and creating a button maco that shifts app focus to ScreenConnect, focuses to the menu bar (F9), presses B which highlights the Essentials menu, presses down arrow twice, then hits enter. It works fairly well, but occasionally F9 will stop working and I'll have to fiddle with the keyboard/shortcut settings in System Settings to get it working again.

Replacing F9,B,down,down,enter with the app shortcut key combo you just showed me should make it even better! 

glad it's working for you - I can't get shift-cmd-D to work without it being highlighted. perhaps it's something i've got running like better touch tool i will have to do some testing on another mac

I'm on Sonoma 14.1.1 if that's helpful. Sadly, when I switched to shift-cmd-D in the StreamDeck macro it sends the "D" character to the remote session too....Dclipboard....every time. 

So still not utopia, but another nice workaround. Thanks for pointing it out. I hope you can get it working as well. 

Bump, this would be an incredible feature for me and my team on Windows. Hack-arounds aren't a replacement for features.

Given the existence of the clipboard history feature available in Windows this is even more important than I originally thought.  Any modification to a client's clipboard could literally be saved even if you manually clear the clipboard.  Nothing short of actually viewing the clipboard history and removing unwanted entries or completely disabling the clipboard history on the client would prevent potentially sensitive data leakage.  Obviously disabling clipboard history on a client machine is not a viable solution.  So even if we default to a disabled shared clipboard enabling it at all, even for a short period, represents a real security risk.

What we really need is a shortcut to send keystrokes without involving the client-side clipboard at all.  While manually clicking the "send clipboard keystrokes" button in the ScreenConnect interface works fine, there is absolutely no reason to not give ScreenConnect customers the ability to define simple shortcuts for features that are critical to the security of an environment.  Forcing us to waste time by hovering over icons and clicking buttons just doesn't make sense for something that is so important (and such an easy thing to implement).

@davison: Clipboard history issue was fixed in 24.1.1:  Prevent clipboard items from being added to Windows Clipboard history https://screenconnect.product.connectwise.com/communities/26/topics/4551-screenconnect-241
You can also permanently disable clipboard sharing from host to client if desired, not just default to off.
That said, keyboard shortcut is still needed, I would use it many times a day.

You're right, I did miss that particular note.  However, there appears to be a new bug related to this fix that causes more clipboard issues. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScreenConnect/comments/1d9nopw/significant_clipboard_bug_in_v241/

Bottom line I don't think it's safe to leave the clipboard sharing on at all (and as you mentioned it can be permanently disabled).  Of course it comes down to various levels of risk management, but even one time forgetting to clear a client clipboard of an important admin password still leaves the sensitive data on the clipboard (even if it doesn't show up in clipboard history).  One thing that should be configurable (or even the default in my opinion) would be to have the client ScreenConnect service clear the clipboard upon disconnection of the host.  Of course, all this could be avoided anyway if we simply had an easy way to assign a keyboard shortcut to the "send clipboard keystrokes".