
Screenshot in General Tab

Arnel 9 years ago updated 3 years ago 7

Can you enable the screenshot to be shown larger without distortion? the extension distorts image to much.



Hello Arnel, the extension shouldn't be distorted, but when you install the extension you need to also make changes to the web.config.

For more info take a look here: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst3661_Tweak-to-show-larger-thumbnail--screenshot--of-guest-machine-in-Host-page.aspx#post14393

You can edit the web.config in the cloud by using this extension: https://help.screenconnect.com/Extension:Edit_Web.Config_AppSettings


Hello Arnel, the extension shouldn't be distorted, but when you install the extension you need to also make changes to the web.config.

For more info take a look here: http://forum.screenconnect.com/yaf_postst3661_Tweak-to-show-larger-thumbnail--screenshot--of-guest-machine-in-Host-page.aspx#post14393

You can edit the web.config in the cloud by using this extension: https://help.screenconnect.com/Extension:Edit_Web.Config_AppSettings

Yeah the problem is you can't do that on cloud instances (change the host.aspx piece at least)


You can edit the web.config in the cloud by using this extension:


Web.config yes, but the second set of the instructions say

"Step 2.

Edit Host.aspx

Change the block of code found here..."

Which you can't do as a cloud customer

Jhardwick, the forum post is a bit old. But you can follow the below single step on your cloud account and that should help:

Step 1:
Edit web.config to show larger screenshots you'll change the scale and pixelcount to a value you feel comfortable with. Play with different sizes until you're satisfied. I used:

<add key="GuestScreenshotMaxScalePercent" value="80" />
<add key="GuestScreenshotMaxPixelCount" value="1000000" />

2016-06-27 10_00_29-ScreenConnect Remote Support Software.png

how did you edit this file

yo can edit the file by using notepad or word.