Under Review
Disable/prevent chat when session unconnected
Currently there is a trigger that sends an email when guest sends message to unconnected session. This annoys our customers that there is even a chat option that does not go anywhere when a session is not connected. They don't understand this. Even though we keep telling them we have a chat option under the LabTech agent icon they choose the first "chat" they find. PLEASE add a configuration flag/option to disable chat screen when session unconnected. I know we can hide the system tray icon--however that prevents other features we do use/need.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This should be optional, at least for unattended sessions - we want the tray icon always viewable because it's how we get the name and IP of the computer from users to know which computer to connect to (we used env. variables in the install)
Lets get this feature started! Its almost there just need a client side app.
Yes please! I can't count the number of times end users send (important) messages in the chat window after I've disconnected from the session, and assumes I've read them. End user text entry should be disabled upon host disconnection from the session.
This is exactly what our company needs too! We have phone lines and an online portal with 24/7 chat, but we can't get notifications when clients try to message us through ScreenConnect which is causing some understandable frustrations. We really need an option to disable chat entirely if there is not an active remote session in progress.
Hi David,
You can disable chat by unchecking Messages under SupportAccessGuestControlPanelIDs bitmask settings. You can find this in the app.config editor extension.
It is almost impossible to believe that there is a chat product in existence (Control), that doesn't tell you that the other party has left the conversation. This is a huge issue for us. No one understands it because it goes against any common sense or feature in the rest of the IM world. Further, it doesn't give the entire conversation in email, or the users name. I don't really want those features, I want the chat to be greyed out when no one is connected to the machine to receive the chat, and notice in the chat if either side leaves. Sort of like what everyone else has been doing for decades.
Chat in ScreenConnect, Labtech and ChatAssist! It's too much!
...Just evaluating LT at the moment (looking likely we will), but this is one of my biggest concerns.
hey guys, i got around this by hiding the system tray icon... when the tray is hidden the user cant open the chat box
I see the need for the option to exist, but we need our users to send messages to unconnected sessions. We get an email and know that they need help. We don't use any of the other solutions mentioned. Just want to make sure this is delivered as an option and not removed completely.
We get complaints from our clients too. Even though we try to tell our techs to close the chat if they can, they still miss it. I think this would be a good fit:
- Disable the chat if no one is connect. When someone is connect, enable the chat.
- If the client right clicks on the icon and selects open, it allows then to send an e-mail to ConnectWise aka open a ticket. Include the workstation name, current user log in. It would be a nice feature.
We've installed and configured the "Auto Respond to Message" extension. When the end user sends a message to a disconnected chat session, they immediately get an automated response indicating that the technician has disconnected, and to forward any additional requests to our help desk email address. It has been working great for us.
Thanks, How did you do that?
You can install extensions by going to Admin > Extensions > 'Browse online extensions'
Here is an instructional video:
You've read my mind with this post. I'm in !! Now in our upgrade to v6.3 shows up a red dot in every group, and I was like 'what is that, a sniper red dot?' until I figured it out that user keep chating that way after IT left the connection. And even if you explained 1 user, still +1000 to go, and worst: they forget so easily. So, no use for us. We use Company's chat software permanently. xD
So 2 years have gone by and no comments other than "Under Review"? We have 1000+ installs and once users know there is a chat option even when disconnected, we get hammered with questions and comments. Chat available only when connected should be a must....
We Need it too, please implement this nesessary feature
If implementing this feature request is too difficult, please fix the extension to respond each time (and include an option to toggle email notifications on/off)
Guys have you considered the extension that will email you and also auto reply? We have out set up to tell them we are not connected currently and will contact them when we are able. It also emails us as stated. The autoreply is right in the chat they just sent and is instant.
I take it you didn't read the thread? Yep we've considered it, yep its flawed - It will only respond once. The next time the user chats when you're disconnected they won't get the message... ......
Sorry I somehow missed this. What do you mean next time you're disconnected? Yes it only alerts on the initial chat, subsequent messages do not notify as that would get annoying. You can set it email on all messages and that is how I had it at one point years ago but it became obnoxious when tech and client were chatting back and forth. This feature may have been deprecated.
Until this gets released - there is an auto-answer plugin that can be used to inform users that no-one is connected and to call / email you. You could also hide the icon (make it transparent / whatever).
All what i want is to hide the Chat Input and button if no tech connected. thats all .. simple and no brain necessary
Perhaps our config is slightly different to your Bernhard but we don't have a chat option in the right click menu of the icon. If user double clicks the icon then chat appears which obviously we'd like to be able to prevent - but I don't understand why this is something your users would do - we've never had any of ours do it. Nor have any ever complained about the auto-reply if a tech chats them, disconnects, and then they reply. Obviously I'm saying yes to the enhancement, but pointing out we don't have to suffer until then as workarounds are available which should be usable (though not ideal) for most situations.
I don't use the Chat feature and definitely don't want my clients using it. I was able to hide the chat option from the Windows tray icon's right-click menu but it still appears for Mac clients. I also want to disable the chat icon from the host interface as I don't want to see it.
Please make this feature availlable. Its been 5 years that customers have requested this.
Seriously, five years have gone by and we're still waiting!
It's been under review for 3 years.
Come along Connectwise, if we were this slow at supporting our clients we would all be out of work!
Hi folks, has this ever been resolved in any meaningful way?
Hi all, please make this feature available!
And if this is not the way to ask for new features to be developped let us know the right way.