Under Review

make file transfers more efficient, auto resume the transfer if connection interupted

Ryan 9 years ago updated by PeterPIT 11 months ago 13

make file transfers more efficient, auto resume the transfer if connection interupted

Auto resume though please instead of restart

+1 for Auto Resume

Would like to see the File transfer move more quickly. As an example currently a file may take 5 minutes to copy using the clipboard while using an external FTP client copies the file in 2 minutes. I also move large files back and forth between servers and find that a transfer could take up to an hour in ScreenConnect. Using a FTP client can get it done in 1/2 the time. Autoresume is a nice feature to have in the event of a connection issue.

Pending Review
Considering for Future Release

Brandon - OK so it's "On-Hold".  Any chance you could explain the reason for the status update/motive for the decision?  The Feature Request appears to be very popular with 47 votes.  There are at least 47 of us that would appreciate a little more information.


Considering for Future Release