
ConnectWise Control 21.10

anonymous 4 years ago in ScreenConnect updated 4 years ago 8

21.10.3684 (2021-06-14)

21.10.3735 (2021-06-21)

21.10.3907 (2021-06-30)

21.10.3973 (2021-07-12)

21.10.4062 (2021-07-15)

21.10.4238 (2021-08-04)


  • Mono build notes here

Build: 21.10.4238


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Server

"Error Object reference not set to an instance of an object" due to dictionary corruption in WeakReferenceCache

Build: 21.10.4062


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Authentication, OAuth2, OpenID, SAML, Web Application, Web Server Service

Web server can corrupt redirect URL following external user source authentication

Build: 21.10.3973


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Server, Session Manager Service

Auto reinstalls can repeatedly fail and retry, causing heavy server load


Build: 21.10.3907


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Guest Client, Host Client

Avoid recurring client downloads

Bug Mobile

Host unable to join session using the Mobile Host after upgrade to 21.9. 'Waiting for available license'

Build: 21.10.3735


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Authentication

Add a way to handle both InvalidOneTimePasswordException and OneTimePasswordRequiredException

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Clients can still have flapping connections

Bug Administration Page

Admin page tabs UI issues


Build: 21.10.3684


Issue Type Components Summary
Task status page

Asyncify status page service relay check