
ConnectWise Control 21.14

anonymous 3 years ago in ScreenConnect updated 3 years ago 10

21.14.4966 (2021-09-29)

21.14.4995 (2021-10-06)

21.14.5059 (2021-10-12)

21.14.5221 (2021-10-28)

21.14.5400 (2021-11-11)

21.14.5656 (2021-11-19)

21.14.5791 (2021-11-30)

21.14.5924 (2021-12-14)


  • Mono build notes here

Build: 21.14.5924


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Guest Client, Host Client

Consent refused message can incorrectly display when Host does not have SwitchLogonSession permission and an out of date Guest client

Build: 21.14.5791


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Router

Router can frequently crash with an ArgumentNullException

Build: 21.14.5656


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Guest Client, Linux

Host client shows a blank screen when connecting to a Linux guest

Bug Security Service

Creating a new role with no permissions causes Security tab to not load

Build: 21.14.5400


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Backstage

Make the default Control Host role not have the SwitchLogonSession and the EnableBackstageLogonSession permission out-of-the-box

Bug Page Service

Null array element creates error when subgroup disappears

Bug Session Manager Service

Extensions have broken backwards compat due to new SessionGroupPathParts

Build: 21.14.5221


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Client service can crash on occasion during shutdown

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

InvalidOperationException causes client to occasionally and unpredictably crash

Bug Authentication, Server

Empty versions should roundtrip correctly in protobuf

Bug Backstage, Host Client, Java Client

When a user role does not contain the 'EnableBackstageLogonSession' permission, the Java client still shows the Backstage session as selectable in the View menu

Bug Backstage, Host Client, Java Client

When multiple hosts are connected to a Windows Guest, and only one of them, which has the 'EnableBackstageLogonSession' permission, switches to the 'Backstage' session, then the other Java host client shows an incorrect message to the end-user.

Bug Java Client, Mac

Mac access clients fail to reinstall and update

Bug Permissions, Security, Session Groups, Session Manager Service

SessionPermissionEntries for subgroups not being handled correctly on role creation

Build: 21.14.5059


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Audit Page, Security

Security Events are not showing Results

Bug Triggers, Web Application

NullReferenceException for WebHook Trigger actions after update to 21.13 second stable


Build: 21.14.4995


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Host Page

Poor host page performance due to session group permissions fix


Build: 21.14.4966


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Performance, Windows Server

Convert WCF to use protobuf to improve performance

Task Security

Encrypt contents of access token

Story Backstage

Add role permission to allow switch to 'Backstage' mode

Bug .NET Client

Clients constantly send TimestampMessages to each other

Bug Guest Client, Java Client

Changing a Linux guest machine's hostname via hostnamectl causes a blank screen

Bug Installer

Message "ScreenConnect detected you have modified certain files that are not upgradable" for files security.db and security.db-wal.