Considering for Future Release

Ability to export list of internal users, with company name

David Geddes 6 years ago updated by Gerardo Jay Vargas 2 years ago 12

We use "Access" licenses to give our clients remote access to their own machines.  It'd be helpful if:

(1) user accounts had a field for "Company" so that we could track which account was linked to which client

(2) the ability to export a list of users, including that company name, in some form (XML, JSON, CSV, XLSX, whatever)

THis isn't related to your request, but I'm curious as to how you're using access licenses in this way. Does this allow you to "resell" remote access to customers? Any security concerns there? For tracking/transparency, what are you able to see already?

Hi David, 

When building a new access installer, the option to include "organization" or company is a pre-configured field. This is CustomProperty1. If you'd like to add additional fields, they can be configured on the Appearance page: https://docs.connectwise.com/ConnectWise_Control_Documentation/Get_started/Administration_page/Appearance_page/Add_custom_fields_to_sessions.

I'll register your request to export a list of users, including company name. 

Hope this helps!

Hi Caitlin.  That method only allows you to associate a device with an organization, but I was requesting the ability to associate an "internal user" with an organization.

Thanks David, that clarification is helpful! I'll register this as a feature request. 

Considering for Future Release

I, too, am looking for a way to export the users table list into a report.  I was just told it is not available.  This seems like a fundamental report.  You have a report for Machines.  A report for files transferred.  

Please add this feature.  Doesn't seem like it would be all that hard.  Thank you.  

Would love this feature but I'm skeptical it will every show up.  I doubt we'll see many features added to Control/ScreenConnect that already exist in Automate.  It's easier to up-sell you on Automate than to develop the feature.

I can't help with the export piece which I'd love to have as well, but we started prefixing the client's company name to their display name in the Internal user source -- at least it makes the list somewhat easier to manage -- ignoring that you can't sort, filter or export it.-- but find in the browser helps some.


Are we any closer to having this as a feature?

I'm been asked for a list of our internal user accounts and it would be tremendously helpful if i could just export the list of users and the associated fields to a csv.


it's been three years. any progress on this feature?

Looking for this as well.