feedback survey
generally i have nothing but nice things to say about screenconnect / connect. But this feedback survey that has been introduced in 6.1 is definitely an annoyance. I could see this survey popping up this much for a free product, but since it is a paid for product i think more than once a release is over the top. Please reduce this feedback or send out email requests for feedback.

FYi - in about 30 connects and disconnects i have had 6 survey boxes come up. I do not beleive that will get back the type of feedback you would like once more users are one 6.1.

there is a new setting the app.config that will disable the feedback survey. that achieves the request:
here is the settting:
<setting name="ShowFeedbackSurveyForm" serializeAs="String">

Big Suprise and NOT Welcome. Who gets the feedback? Since it's got ScreenConnect Branding all over it and not my branding - It's got no business being there. Why was this set to Enabled by default?

I know I'm thick, but I've searched the whole of my Server for the "app.config" file and it's not there!!! Desperate to switch this off. I'd roll back to 6.0 but I've got 100+ Access Sessions that are now on 6.1 Client Side - So that's not an option. We need the ability to downgrade clients so we can rollback the Server Side. I really should have waited for at least a month after release before installing 6.1.

This feature was thoroughly discussed on the forum and listed within the output stream. Results from the survey come back to us so we can use it to help gauge priorities.
The app.config file does not exist by default, but you can check the KB for how to create/propagate the file. Here.

OK so I've found the thread in the Output Stream Forum - which by the way is the only forum your customers need. (This separate Bug Report and Feature Request area is obviously for your internal benefit).
Anyhow here's my constructive 2 pence worth. Add a Report Bug Button to feed into this forum which could enable copy and paste screen shots etc whilst it's all happening and fresh in the mind. That will give you the most immediate feedback. At the very least give us a Feedback on Demand Button now that we've all learnt how to, and have, disabled the 4% random feature.

Great, now we need to create the app.config file and re-install the access clients again for them to get the latest settings to disable the survey.
There should have been an option during the 6.1 installer to participate in feedback or not, which would set the needed app.config setting based on what was selected. Thanks ScreenConnect.

I also agree with having the option to turn off feedback I assumed wrongly that it would give the option to my customers to provide me feedback on our remote support not back to screen connect.

So to clarify - ScreenConnect get the feedback - OK I understand. Can someone please tell me who is asked for the feed back? Is the client invited to respond or is it just the host?
If the Client is invited - then surely, I as host, should be able to:
- brand the feedback request
- receive the feedback
- have control over when/if feedback is requested.
If this is NOT currently the purpose or function - please add this as a request for such.

Customer support service by UserEcho
there is a new setting the app.config that will disable the feedback survey. that achieves the request:
here is the settting: