
ConnectWise Control 19.6

anonymous 5 years ago in ScreenConnect updated 4 years ago 12

19.6.25876 (2019-11-18)

19.6.25927 (2019-11-22)

19.6.26025 (2019-12-09)

19.6.26188 (2019-12-18)

19.6.26287 (2020-01-06)

19.6.26314 (2020-01-09)

19.6.26378 (2020-01-14)

19.6.26659 (2020-02-10)

19.6.27027 (2020-02-25)

Build: 19.6.27027


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Mono Server

Memory leak in Mono server

Build: 19.6.26659


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Authentication, Security

Reworked logic of password reset

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Host client split-window placement only set once

Bug Mono Server

WebClient throws attempting to make secure requests

Build: 19.6.26378


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Server, Toolbox

Symlinked toolbox items transferred as empty files

Build: 19.6.26314


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Installer, Mono Server

Update linux installer to check for glibc 2.17

Task Linux, Mono Server

Remove glibc 2.27 requirement for Linux server

Build: 19.6.26287


Issue Type Components Summary
Story-bug web.config

Not all .NET updates are properly transformed in web.config

Bug Guest Page

Text color of certain UI elements makes them nearly unreadable in dark themes

Bug Installer, web.config

.NET framework version incorrectly updated in web.config

Bug Code Signing, Java Client

The SignJar Ant Task is using the previously expired code signing certificate to sign the JAR files

Build: 19.6.26188


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Installer, Mono Server

Exception during installation when changing attributes for web.config elements with child text nodes

Build: 19.6.26025


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Security

Add IP to Host client parameters

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Popping out monitor in new window sizes too small in windows host client

Bug Guest Client, Host Client

Blank guest monitor not working

Bug Guest Client, Host Client

Blank or stale screen data after entering backstage

Bug Host Client

Host client opens as small square

Bug Host Page

'Extra' extension menu in top nav on host page

Bug Installer, Mono Server

TransformWebConfig doesn't transform to localhost for Linux servers

Bug Installer

Installer runs without checking .NET 4.7.1 compatibility

Build: 19.6.25927


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Main form placement altering zoomscale creates issues

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Corner buttons in view panel are discolored after opening a new windows client form

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Opening monitor in different window doesn't size it correctly

Bug Guest Page, Host Page

iPadOS 13 Safari is detected as macOS Safari in join selector panel

Bug Host Page

Theme selector modal dialog show resource string instead of real title

Bug Reporting

SessionGuestHardwareNetworkAddress values aren't rendered correctly in reports


Build: 19.6.25876


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Authentication, Data Streaming

Field Names Used for Web Authentication are Not Standardized

Task Guest Client, Performance

Prevent excessive connection attempts from badly-networked machines

Task Mono Server

Update MonoInstaller to fix Mono issues

Story .NET Client, Host Client

Speed up windows host client ui

Story Host Page

Collapsible Thumbnail Preview on General Info Tab

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

Windows host client's minimize, maximize and close buttons display incorrect text

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

A minimized host client does not restore to its previous position

Bug .NET Client, Host Client

"Waiting for your guest" box cuts off text

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

Intermittently getting blank grey screen upon connection

Bug Client Resource

TransformClientOverrideResx.xsl can create empty ApplicationDirectoryName override upon server upgrade

Bug Guest Client, Java Client, Mac

Open JDK high battery use

Bug Guest Page

Guest join code input box extends outside the dialog in IE

Bug Host Client, Mono Server

After joining a session, mouse events will sometimes cause Host disconnects

Bug Host Client

Client is opaque if user stops sharing screen and another user starts sharing screen

Bug Host Client

external resize handles throw off some windows client form bounds calculations

Bug Host Client

split monitors rank and indices are reversed

Bug Host Page

Chrome render a half pixel border on the bottom of Modal Dialog

Bug Installer, Linux, Mono Server

Installer error upgrading Mono server from 19.3 to 19.4

Bug Installer, Linux

Installer error on certain Linux distros

Bug Mono Server

Mono SSL Configuration not working

Bug Mono Server

Mono httplistener not getting certs from the right directory