
ConnectWise Control 21.15

anonymous 3 years ago in ScreenConnect updated by Mayfield 3 years ago 13

21.15.5273 (2021-11-02)

21.15.5452 (2021-11-15)

21.15.5652 (2021-11-19)

21.15.5685 (2021-11-22)

21.15.5925 (2021-12-15)

21.15.6113 (2021-12-17)

21.15.6123 (2021-12-20)

21.15.6302 (2022-01-10)

21.15.6739 (2022-02-07)

21.15.6764 (2022-02-09)

21.15.6876 (2022-02-17)


  • Mono build notes here

Build: 21.15.6876

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Performance, Relay Service

Significant and persistent relay performance issues for some on-premise instances


Build: 21.15.6764

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Extension API, Session Manager Service

Fix backwards-compatibility of deprecated GetSessionsAsync overload

Bug Relay Service, Router

SocketThreadPool can crash relay/router with OverflowException


Build: 21.15.6739

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Client service can fail to start after reboot


Build: 21.15.6302


Issue Type Components Summary
Story-bug Server, Web Application, Web Server Service

Saving web.config changes via ACE makes the Access client to display offline on Access tab when it is still online

Bug Permissions

"Session Inaccessible message" when connecting to XP guests when Switch Login and Backstage permissions are missing

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Server

AutoReinstallOldClientVersion will execute but does not consistently update the Guest client

Bug Server, Web Application, Web Server Service

Saving changes via the Advanced Configuration Editor causes the server process to crash upon shutdown/restart attempt

Build: 21.15.6123


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Guest Client, Host Client

Remove extra comma from Session Inaccessible endpoint status message

Bug Router

Router fails to connect sessions; all external accessibility checks failing - Product

Build: 21.15.6113


Issue Type Components Summary
Story-bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Getting error pop up when signing out user from guest machine

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

NullReferenceException on Guest client when Host attempts to connect with specific app.config settings

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client, Relay Service

Dismiss button does not work on stored credential notification banner

Bug Host Client

Block Guest Input also blocks host input

Bug Relay Service, Server

Instances on 21.13 can consume > 10 GB of memory

Bug Server

Version object changed to string

Build: 21.15.5925


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Windows Access Guest client crashes when attempting to login to a system that is logged off.

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client, Relay Service

Stored credentials notification banner persists even if blank credentials have been saved

Bug Guest Client, Host Client

Consent refused message can incorrectly display when Host does not have SwitchLogonSession permission and an out of date Guest client

Bug Guest Client

Guest machine desktop background stays dark upon disconnecting from backstage

Bug Setup Wizard, Web Server Service

Setup Wizard does not seem to complete which ultimately hangs the Web Server

Build: 21.15.5685


Issue Type Components Summary
Bug .NET Client

Host client message banner doesn't show username

Bug Router

Router can frequently crash with an ArgumentNullException


Build: 21.15.5652


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Performance, Relay Service, Router

Rewrite socket server to directly use IOCP for async sockets

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

NullReferenceException crashes client when a Host attempts to connect if there are any disabled Host client menu items

Bug Guest Client, Linux

Host client shows a blank screen when connecting to a Linux guest

Build: 21.15.5452


Issue Type Components Summary
Task Backstage

Make the default Control Host role not have the SwitchLogonSession and the EnableBackstageLogonSession permission out-of-the-box

Task Server

Make base project compliant with Obsolete definitions

Task Session Manager Service

Optimize SessionManager/SessionFilterManager to not calculate permissions as part of initial listing

Story Administration Page, Triggers, UIUX

Update Trigger page UI

Story Security Service, Triggers

Expose security events to the trigger builder

Story Security Service, Triggers

Add default security event triggers

Story Triggers

Add Syntax Helper Expressions to Create Security Trigger Modal

Story Triggers

Create Security Event Trigger Modal

Story Triggers

Create Security Event Reference

Story Triggers

Update 'Session Event' Create Trigger Modal Title

Story Triggers

Additional default triggers

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Toast appears on machines when host connects/disconnects after joining directly to backstage

Bug Page Service

Host page is unable to load with a 500 GetHostSessionInfo

Bug Page Service

Null array element creates error when subgroup disappears

Bug Security Service

Creating a new role with no permissions causes Security tab to not load

Bug Session Manager Service

Extensions have broken backwards compat due to new SessionGroupPathParts

Bug Session Manager Service

OldSession.CustomPropertyX in triggers don't preserve values from old session


Build: 21.15.5273


Issue Type Components Summary
Task .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client

Refactor Client UI Commands to enforce more type safety

Task Authentication

Increase 2FA timeout sent via email to 10 minutes-product

Task Database, Windows Server

SQLite static initializer continually throws out of memory exception

Task Host Page

Show the Top and Context Menus in 'live preview' link - Product Side Changes

Story Remote Printing, Security

Remove 'Transfer Files in Session' requirement for Remote Printing

Bug Relay Service, Router

Relay/router can get fragmented OverlappedDatas

Bug Security

Password reset codes always start with a few useless 0's