Delayed Stable

ScreenConnect 23.9

Mayfield 10 months ago in ScreenConnect updated 4 months ago 7

23.9.10 (2024-02-21)

23.9.7 (2024-02-08)

23.9.6 (2024-01-25)

23.9.5 (2024-01-17)

23.9.1 (2023-12-06)

23.9.0 (2023-11-30)

Delayed Stable

Build: 23.9.10

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature Access Management, Action Center, Host Client, Performance, Session Manager Service, UIUX

Access Management: Unacknowledged events aren't cleared when someone addresses an event from the host client

Feature Installer, Licensing, On-prem

Allow for on-premises server upgrade regardless of license status

Bug Action Center, Host Page, UIUX

Clicking on action center icon does not work if data hasn't yet loaded

Bug Action Center, Performance

Limit the number of items in Action Center

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Adding /Join to the end of a guest URL on Host page no longer launches sessions

Build: 23.9.7

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Action Center, Host Page, UIUX

Move the Action Center icon to the top of tray on the navigation bar

Task Authentication

Compress web authentication cookie to ensure data does not exceed the maximum size set by the browser

Task Java Client, Linux, macOS, Performance, Security

Patch Java clients with additional fixes to WebP compression

Bug Access Management, Host Page, UIUX

Access Management tab is visible for meeting and support sessions

Bug Admin Page, Reporting, UIUX

Unable to scroll in multiselect form fields

Bug Host Page, Performance, UIUX

When the session display limit is exceeded, clicking a session will snap to the top of the list

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Clicking an item in the Host page "More" menu can deselect the currently-selected details tab


Build: 23.9.6

Issue Type Components Summary
Bug Admin Page, UIUX

Database maintenance plan can be saved with invalid time format

Build: 23.9.5

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Admin Page, UIUX

UI Improvements to database maintenance plan scheduling

Bug Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Transform existing instances to new database maintenance schedule format

Bug Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Make default database maintenance time 2AM local time

Bug Admin Page, UIUX

User encounters "Cannot access a disposed object" error when saving instance-restarting changes on the Administration page

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Extra space after idle time in session list


Build: 23.9.1

Issue Type Components Summary
Task Activity Tracing, Authentication

Add more tracing to external provider login callback

Bug .NET Client, Host Client, Toolbox, UIUX

Opening the personal toolbox folder doesn't launch the correct directory on certain machines

Bug Access Management, UIUX

Unable to insert line breaks or new lines in the Custom Scope field for Access Management settings in Firefox

Bug Admin Page, UIUX

User encounters "Cannot access a disposed object" error when saving instance-restarting changes on the Administration page

Bug Host Page, UIUX

User is not able to see sessions on Host page using iOS app, macOS Safari, and Ubuntu

Bug Installer, macOS

Prevent client upgrades on unsupported macOS versions

Bug On-prem, UIUX

"Internal error" message appears for on-premises users after completing setup wizard


Build: 23.9.0

Issue Type Components Summary
Feature .NET Client, Backstage, UIUX

Backstage file manager

Feature Action Center, Admin Page, Host Page, Session Manager Service, UIUX

New notification feature: Action Center

Feature Admin Page, Customization, UIUX

Day of the week selection options for database maintenance

Feature Guest Client, Java Client, UIUX

Updated Java guest client chat box UI

Feature Host Client, Java Client, UIUX

Java host client: set guest machine resolution for Windows

Task Host Client, Java Client, UIUX

Show "(empty)" label in Change Resolution menu of the host client

Task Action Center, Host Page, UIUX

Ability to deeplink to specific events in session details tabs

Task Java Client, macOS

Update Java client to prevent screen capturing when guest screenshot settings are disabled


Updated style for input text boxes, drop-downs, and multi-select boxes

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client

Client takes a significant amount of time to reconnect to server after hiberation/sleep, or after a change in WiFi or VPN connection

Bug .NET Client, Host Client, UIUX

Resizing host client window on multiple monitors will drag window across desktop

Bug .NET Client, Performance

Host annotation feature lags and freezes

Bug .NET Client, Guest Client, Host Client, Relay Service

Copying files can fail and display the message, "the data not yet available"

Bug .NET Client

Copying-and-pasting files between two remote sessions fails

Bug .NET Client, Host Client, Toolbox

Shared toolbox item icon can crash client

Bug .NET Client, Access Management, Guest Client

Unfinished cleanup of Access Management temporary administrator registry keys

Bug Admin Page, Guest Page, Host Page, UIUX

UI issues with popout menus in web application

Bug Audit Page, UIUX

Extended auditing videos aren't converted to local time on the Audit page

Bug Guest Client, Host Client, Java Client, macOS

Switching windows on macOS causes keyboard input to stop working

Bug Guest Client, Java Client, UIUX

Under Control banner in Java client doesn't escape HTML in participant names

Bug Host Client, UIUX

Host client shifts position if user performs any operation from host client menu bar

Bug Host Client, UIUX

UI bugs related to the Set Guest Resolution and the New Monitor buttons

Bug Host Page, UIUX

Loading state of Host page displays incorrect elements

Bug On-prem, Reporting, UIUX

Add ability to open links from localhost