Default Simple Code functionality back.
Since the upgrade creating a simple support session for clients has become significantly more involved.
The Process:
Click Create
Type Simple Code
Click Start
New Process:
Click Create
Type Session Name
Click Code Actions
Click Change Code to Name
Click Join
While five steps is only two more steps than three. When supporting hundreds of customers on a daily basis these additional steps add up to more time spent.
I am sure you have the best intentions for your upgrade and I understand you have many different companies using your system in many different ways. For our company we create ad-hoc sessions for each customer and used the simple code method to make the name of the session the name of the customer. Making it easy for our support staff as well as easy for our customers to join.
Having a setting or configuration that automatically makes the code the same as the session should help resolve my issue and should be very helpful to your other customers.

We specifically brought this issue up during the UI testing earlier this year. I think the best option would be to create an option for the old behavior.

Yes, the new behavior is very tedious to use as we use named public session all the time. It was quick and simple before but now it is too many actions - my techs are complaining loudly to me! I agree the old behavior as a selectable default (or) possibly defaulting the new dialogs to a selectable set of defaults would be agreeable. Thanks for your consideration.

Tom, I completely agree with you brother. The new behavior is extremely tedious and like you I to use named public sessions. Please, developers, get this sorted out quickly and bring the old behavior back!!!.

I second that! (third).
This is not a feature but a nuisance, there are more steps and it does not even autojoin anymore?
I really would like some of what the developer that came up with this was smoking as I simply can not imagine any scenario where this "functionality" would be considered an improvement.

Yes, my fellow techs and I liked the old way better. But even if we were to go back to the old way, I think the biggest improvement would be adding admin controls to change the behavior of creating and ending sessions. Granular control is what any good admin control panel should offer. Allow us to tailor the experience to our particular organization, please.

Yes, please allow the old way of doing it.
Create Session - allow to name it right away (type in name of session) and have it posted "public" by default.

This reminds me of Microsoft removing the start button and telling us its much better it is without it and no one really used it, and to move on. BRING BACK THE OLD WAY OF CREATING A SESSION AND ALLOW US TO CHOOSE HOW WE WANT IT

gotta love how this has been "under review" for over 2 months now.
Nope, no one got used to it
Yup, it still sucks

It really would be great to get an update on this from ConnectWise. This update has made the process much more cumbersome. It is also leading to a whole bunch of Untitled Sessions just sitting there. On top of this, renaming the session doesn't always work. 50% chance you go to rename it and the name just becomes blank.

Hey guys,
We are going to release an extension that can be used to set the default session mode to public and it'll also contain the ability to immediately join the session after creation. I expect it'll be live in the next day or so.
Regarding simple code, we are in the process of figuring out the best way to reduce the steps needed to switch from secure code.

i might be blind but i haven't been able to find any extention Kirsten.
Please tell me what to look for!

Hi Joel,
To install the extension you'll have to navigate to the Extensions page under the Administration section and select the "Browse Online Extensions" at the top of the page.
Visit the page linked below for additional information.

Ah ok,
I just installed that and unfortunately that doesn't really do anything to the workflow.
Now instead of having the option to "change code to name" I am forced to type the code myself. Sorry but keypresses count as clicks too.
How hard is it to add a default tickbox for this? Just have it standard set to "set code to name" and give the user the option to untick this and create their own code?
I personally would take this even further and have a default name (and code) hat the admin can set.

The extension would be 100x more efficient with the option to just enter the session name, then copy the session name to the join code. Which would essentially give us the old functionality back.

yup pretty much what i was saying. (and then to make it real easy have an option to make that session name & code default. I usually just use the same name and code but do NOT want it to be a public session)

So we did exactly that, we added the option to make the session code = the session name. The update hasn't been pushed out just yet, but it will be available shortly.

Sorry for the late response. We have an issue with publishing extensions at the moment, once it's resolved and we push the update, I'll notify you all here.

Our dev team is close to getting it resolved. I would guess we'll be able to push out extension updates sometime next week.

Aaaaaand another 2 weeks went by. It has been over a month since you said the update would be "available shortly". That's pretty bad

We are still actively working on the issue that's preventing extensions from being published. I will follow-up with you through email with more details.
Once the issue has been resolved, I will publicly announce so in this thread.
Thank you all for your patience.

Any sort of update would be great. The communication hasn't been great. On a side note, was anybody else here part of the UI test for this version? I was, and my team and I all made the comment that the new method was extremely cumbersome for creating and naming sessions.

Thanks for the response Kirsten!
I am still rather confused however that you have to figure out how to get functionality back that we had 2 years ago
Customer support service by UserEcho
We are still actively working on the issue that's preventing extensions from being published. I will follow-up with you through email with more details.
Once the issue has been resolved, I will publicly announce so in this thread.
Thank you all for your patience.