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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Webhooks Alerts

pburgwin 12 months ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 9 months ago 2

Sometimes the alerts can be a bit slow to come through but a webhook to Teams maybe that gives link to the request for approval  


Add temp admin to domain admins group prior to login when the guest is a domain controller.

nengelhardt 1 year ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 2

When the following criteria are met:

  • Performing an administrative logon with CAM
  • The guest is a domain controller

The temp admin account should be added to the domain admins group prior to logon. This would allow some tasks that are restricted to domain admins, such as editing the default domain controllers GPO.

Under review

Add more details to create rules on for CAM

Daniel Wallach 1 year ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

I would like to have CAM bring in more details to create rules on, specifically fields like product version and product name. This way we could whitelist in this example publisher=Microsoft, product name=PowerToys*, version > 0.69.1 and it would be safely scoped to only Microsoft powertoys with version greater than 0.69. Currently with the options we have available the closest I can do is to whitelist all Microsoft products with filename of PowerToys* which a clever user could rename any Microsoft application and install. More granularity in the fields to create rules on would help.

Under review

Local saving of CAM rules to reduce delay in UAC prompt approval

DanielW 1 year ago 0

When using CAM for UAC prompt approval the UAC prompt appears for a few seconds before it is approved and the elevation continues.

As I understand it some of the delay is from the agent having to check in online to the screenconnect instance to see if the UAC prompt applies to one of the configured CAM rules. 

Is it possible for the CAM rules to be downloaded to the agent on the machine locally so that the approval process is faster?


elevation request grouping

jtieck 2 years ago updated by Mayfield 2 years ago 3

It would be great if Connectwise auto grouped machines into a folder when they had requested admin elevation. That way we could see who did and approve or deny them much easier than searching for the red dot.