Your comments

Kirsten, the issue that @Damon brought up is that he needs to grab a screen shot of a remote PC and paste that screen shot on the PC. The tool within SC does not allow that. the VBS that i put in the blog will actually run the key strokes at the remote side and paste the contents in mspaint on the remote.

FYI you can add the following VBS to your toolbox and get the results.

Set Wshshell=CreateObject("Word.Basic")

WScript.Sleep 1500

set Wshshell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wshshell.Run "mspaint"
WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.AppActivate "Paint"
WScript.Sleep 500

WshShell.sendkeys "^(v)"

WScript.Sleep 1500

also would be nice if it could use the remotes time instead of the server's time so that we do not run 8 eastern time on pacific time systems.

we use email addresses for the username. seems to be a practice at some other places also. so maybe something in the future.

is the option for a permanent password still going to be available with this change? just wondering due to having to administer passwords going forward. is there going to be a password reminder or a way for the user to answer security questions to have their password reset and sent to their email?

also with the feature set ShouldRevalidateAccessToken to True

unless there is another fix.

Depending if ShouldRevalidateAccessToken is set to true or the default of false will also control how long the user can stay connected to the system. if the setting is FALSE and you do not have a timeout on a connection then the user can stay connected as long as they want to the system. we have a 9 hour limit, so 1 hour of connectivity could equal 9 hours. but with the setting to TRUE then the connection time is limited to 1 hour of connection.

I think to have an option at least 3 to 5 days would be good when dealing with vendors. Also it seems that the options are either VIEW ONLY or MY PERMISSIONS. Would be nice to have where we can control what options the temp user has. like i want them to be able to interact with the system, but not run any of our tools. or to not be able to send and receive files.

I agree that this would be a great feature to have.