Your comments

Yes, it is possible, here are a couple of examples to get you started along with a link to our Trigger references, these are both Session Event triggers.

Here is what a Run Command trigger would look like, the RanCommand is processed on the guest side so is technically after the command is queued:
Event.EventType = 'RanCommand' AND Event.Data LIKE '%ipconfig%'

The QueuedCommand event is what the Host does, so the command is Queued and then Run on the guest side.

Event.EventType = 'QueuedCommand' AND Event.Data LIKE '%ipconfig%'

Note that the Event.Data I used a LIKE with surrounding wildcards as the data will contain both the command and the resulting output.

All, I wanted to give an update on this. We have finished scoping out the work required and will soon be scheduling the work. I can't give a firm date on when this will be available yet, but will update when the work is nearing completion.

Gotcha, yes that is a registered request, basically to be able to apply app.config settings to specific machines/sets of machines. It is something we will likely do, but it is not currently roadmapped.


This is a feature that we will not implement for a few reasons:

  • OS settings can be applied to prevent users from uninstalling software
  • Having a password baked into the agent to prevent uninstall could be used maliciously
    • A scammer could essentially prevent an agent from being uninstalled on an unsuspecting victim of fraud
    • A legitimate agent could be left behind if the end user no longer wishes to receive service and the service provider does not uninstall the software as part of an offboarding process.

Hi there, 

We have the notion of Global Permissions and Scoped permissions, both can be applied to roles and users in the roles will only have the permissions you have set. I have included a couple of links for you, but if you have any specific questions please contact our support team and they can help you out.