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Fix the broken file transfer feature in the toolbox

Merlin 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4
When I bought ScreenConnect I had the ability to download files/apps directly from our server to a C:\Work folder that was OUTSIDE of all profiles. Then.. someone rewrote the feature and really broke it. They removed the ability to change folder and the folder my programs download to are in a Temp folder that is cleared on disconnect. Let me list all the reasons this really sucks and why you need to fix it.

  • I am downloading my tools to remove viruses to a DOCUMENTS folder.
  • I am downloading installs to the DOWNLOADS folder.
  • If an install reboots the computer the folder gets cleared and I have to re-download everyti8ng.
  • I work on computers with bad internet in countries that charge for transfer. Everytime the internet drops I have to re-download everything costing the client more money and costing TONS of time.
  • If I am installing a program on a restricted user the install lands in their Documents folder. When I authenticate to the admin account it no longer has access to the restricted users documents folder.
  • Often I have to switch between user accounts to redo a task with the file. When I switch user accounts I no longer have access to the file.
  • When I download the files I often actually need to save them. They are deleted and lost on disconnect.
  • Browsing to the files to do the installs through all the documents the client has is often tedious and impossible. It is much easier to just hold the WinKey and press R then type C:\Work and hit enter.
  • This app was billed to me as a tech tool made by techs for techs... It seems you changed this tool to service business men using this to work from home or something.. Not sure why you would change this feature so drastically and break it so badly.
  • When removing viruses the tools often need to reboot as part of the task. After reboot they are no longer there and cannot complete their task.
  • To avoid a lot of this we have to constantly go to the folder and move the files manually to another location. This is costing me a LOT of money in time/labor.

In conclusion... This was a total bait and switch. The product is no longer what it was promised to be at purchase. You have opened yourself up to a lawsuit. Not just for the product but for all the labor involved in setup, discovery and use of your product prior to switching to a different product. It would be deeply appreciated if you would put that feature back the way it was. If you have people that need a temporary file transfer area.. Create a NEW feature FOR THEM. Or a switch. (:

Thank you so much!

anonymous 8 years ago

Hi Merlin, You said the file was being written to a temp file which makes me think you're confusing the toolbox option and the file transfer option. The toolbox is meant for immediate execution of .exe and .bat scripts not for a file transfer, hence the change to save the toolbox item in a temp file vs storing it on a customer's machine. Our copy and paste/drag and drop option as well as the file transfer option do give you more flexibility on where a file is placed. This will allow you to store it for later use.

Toolbox: https://help.screenconnect.com/Using_the_shared_toolbox

File Transfer: https://help.screenconnect.com/File_transfer_menu

When we started writing to the temp folder for the toolbox items, we also included the .scapp function.

A .scapp file is basically a renamed .zip archive that the ScreenConnect Toolbox knows to handle a bit differently. When a .scapp file is executed from the Toolbox, it copies all of the tool's contents into the same directory on the remote machine and then executes the first item alphabetically. So if you have a tool that must run from a certain directory, you can create a .bat file that copies the tool into this directory and then executes it.

After creating the .bat file, ensure that it is named correctly, create a .zip file of both items, change the .zip extension to .scapp, and then copy it into your ScreenConnect Toolbox. Each time this .scapp is executed, it will copy the .exe to the specified location and then execute it, saving a few clicks for the Host.

I hope this information is helpful.