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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Built in option for HTTP to HTTPS Redirect

dennis frank 8 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 18 3 duplicates

It would be nice for the on-premise option to have HTTP traffic redirected to HTTPS built in as an option for those who want to use SSL.


Allow remote printing to be configured on/off per machine

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Brian 5 years ago 26 3 duplicates

Partner would like to enable remote printers to be shared per individual machines.

Under Review

When chat window opens, it is on top of all others and must be acknowledged (clicked) before it goes behind.

Xander Warrender 8 years ago updated by Scott H. 11 months ago 35 3 duplicates

Currently, when the chat window opens, it opens behind whatever the active window is and, with my clients at least, is often ignored until they finally close what they were doing.

I would like it if, when the chat window opened, it opened on top just like a regular new window does - and most require that they are clicked before they can be pushed behind others. This would force the client to acknowledge the window is there. This way, if they choose to ignore me, they go to the back of the queue and I can move on to another client.

Considering for Future Release

Better Support Large File Transfers

Matthew Swanson 9 years ago updated by Dan Cauchois 3 weeks ago 12 2 duplicates

We regularly transfer fairly large files from our customers to our agents (typically large log files or database files) using the file transfer controls. During the transfer, the session become very laggy and unusable. We suspect this is because all of the available bandwidth is used for the file transfer.

We'd like to see an enhancement to restrict file transfer bandwidth either per session with an in-session control or to detect when other activity is happening in the client and implement a QoS-like solution to protect the control traffic.


Allow more customizations of the blank screen option

Michael Bannerman 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 25 3 duplicates

The software allows sending a black screen to the remote (actually its a text on a black background)
What if we can send a .pps file or a jpg,png or any other to relax the user while we are working at the background
and there should be a timer on the right down/up corner so that it will show us connection time like we have been connected for 03:11 ... and goes upward

for us this is a must feature cause we have plan to send a pps file that has ads in it and the technician information like our support team, their certifications etc...

Pending Review

Delete clipboard on guest from after 30 seconds or upon exit

jeff weinman 2 years ago updated by Thomas W 10 months ago 16 1 duplicate

To bolster security, when using the clipboard, ConnectWise Control should delete the clipboard on the guest every 30 seconds (or periodically during a session) and upon exit of that session.

Under Review

Tabbed interface like RDM

Ross Jaburg 8 years ago updated by iFIDS 1 year ago 15 2 duplicates

You really need to enable a tabbed interface management control console like Remote Desktop Management (RDM). It is a real pain to manage multiple external windows at once. Alternatively, I guess a connectwise-written extension that would allow the embedded sessions would work. The current extension supposedly allows RDM to handle SC sessions, but only as external, which I can already do without RDM.

We use RDM for RDP sessions and being able to have a dozen connections accessible by changing tabs is INVALUABLE.

Considering for Future Release

Be able to specify guest side temporary save location for toolbox items in 5.5+

Steven 9 years ago updated by EDrizToromont 12 hours ago 34 3 duplicates

From CW-7637203:

Would like to customize the temp location where "As of version 5.5, when you run a tool from the shared toolbox, the tool will be downloaded to a temporary folder on the guests machine. When the session has ended, ScreenConnect attempts to delete the downloaded tool from the temporary folder."


Add support for Duosecurity 2 factor tech login

Michael Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Craig Silver 7 years ago 36 1 duplicate

I would like to see support for
Duosecurity 2 factor tech login
they offer push support . it would be nice to see this on screenconnect.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi All,

A quick announcement for anyone who may have missed the news posted on the output stream:

There will be support for Duo Security as a 2FA provider in 6.2. The release should be out mid-April.

Considering for Future Release

Microsoft Teams Extension

JakeM 6 years ago updated by Rob Clive 6 years ago 3

An equivalent of the Slack plugin for Microsoft Teams would be really useful.