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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


How do you access the API?

Richard Griffiths 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

None of your documentation details how you get the API for Screenconnect. Is there a link? Do we simply reference the install DLL's from the server?

What is the official method?

Thank you!

anonymous 8 years ago

Hey Richard, please take a look at this link


I believe you will find what you are looking for there.

If not, please direct further questions to the advanced customizations forum.



Stop ScreenConnect from removing files from the temp directory

Larry 9 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 9 years ago 1

toolbox files now go into a temporary directory (off of ScreenConnect dir under Documents) and are attempted delete on exit (along with ScreenConnect directory if empty)


Blank screen blanks another remote host. see descrip

Larry 9 years ago updated by John Newcomb 7 years ago 3

"One question though, when I have a 3rd party vendor remote into a machine with me using teamviewer, it seems to blank the screen out for them as well. Is there any way to make the blanking only apply to the users's monitor but will allow access from other on-demand remote software?" Ticket 7665564


New User Remote Session With ScreenConnect

George 9 years ago updated by Sean White 9 years ago 1

We would like to have an email feature that notifies us when a client requests a remote session from our portal thru screen connect.

Sean White 9 years ago

That can be accomplished out of the box using a Trigger to send an email:

This link shows how to do it with an access session:


Something like this would work:

Event.EventType = 'CreatedSession' AND Session.Host = '' AND Session.SessionType = 'Support'

If you have any problems please contact support (help@screenconnect.com)


Reduce time to reconnect after guest machine reboots in 5.4+

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2


When on 5.4 and newer, guest services are set to Automatic (Delayed Start) by default, which means it takes at least two minutes longer for the service to start than in 5.3 and pervious, many times longer. Realizing this is to work around an issue with Windows 10, it would still be preferable to have a way to get the ScreenConnect client connected again after a reboot in a fast and reliable manner.


Add a "Download" button or link on the Appearance tab for non-text resources for easier customization.

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3


Partner requests a "Download" button that will download the resources on the Admin > Appearance page for easier access to these resources. Would also like the file names of the downloads to reflect the name and file type of the resource instead of "Download.txt" as the default.


Allow session groups to not auto-collapse when other groups are selected

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 5

Partner would like the ability to have opened session groups stay open when selecting other session groups on the Host list.



The Guest session starter requires a trailing /.

Larry 9 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 9 years ago 1

This was requested by a partner back in Jan 2015. Just adding to the echo just in case.

Hi Nicholas,

Unfortunately, we are aware of this issue but have yet to find any way around like problem. For SSL piggybacking, we simply pass on your URL to Microsoft's API, which now appears to require a trailing slash when specifying a virtual directory (meaning, if your piggybacked site ishttps://mysecuresite.com/SC/ then your users would need to include that trailing slash in order for the page to load correctly). Apparently, the trailing slash is meant to differentiate the virtual directory from an actual directory.

I will get a defect registered regarding the Guest Session Starter Exe, so that we can get that fixed.



Reid Bodford


Add button to Host Client to open the download folder on guest machine

Administrator 9 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Partner would like to have a button to open the guest machine download folder.

User Story:

A technician may need to quickly open the download folder to retrieve a file. A button that is accessible from the host client to directly open guest folders would accomplish this.

This should default to the C:\Users\LoggedOnUser\Documents\ScreenConnect\Files directory.


add ability for support staff to make web.config changes for cloud users

Ryan 9 years ago updated by Michael Bannerman 9 years ago 2

add ability for support staff to make web.config changes for cloud users - #7560887