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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Use "Organization" to add hosts to Session Groups

edrabert 5 years ago updated by Paul_B 1 year ago 4

I do not see a way to build a custom filter in the Session Group to filter based on the Organization for a system.  Since we can create "builds" with the organization already defined, it would make adding them to session groups much smoother.  Right now we have to create a Note with the customer name, and then use a filter to make sure those systems go into the right customers session group.  

Thank you



Update has disabled use on Ipad IOS 9.

npyrah 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Recent update has disabled use on Ipad IOS 9. Support tried to get "Legacy" version to function, but this is also broe due to CSS. No advance warning was given that this would no longer work. Screen connect need to get the app working again on IOS 9.


What is all this about Screenconnect stopping suppor for IE 11

greg cadogan 6 years ago updated by anonymous (Product Marketing Manager) 6 years ago 1

Im assuming this is bad joke


Some of the improvements the product team is making to ConnectWise Control requires support for CSS Grid and other enhancements that most modern browsers are supporting in their latest versions. In order for the team to keep delivering cutting edge features and intuitive experiences, we had to make the difficult trade off to deprecate certain browsers and versions that do not support the necessary technology. 

This change does not affect your end users. Your customers and end users will still be able to access your Guest page and join a session with IE. This change only affects the Host page.

For more information about IE deprecation, please read the technical bulletin.

For more information about supported browsers, please read the Browser requirements documentation article.

I am going to close this topic as it's not a feature request, but if you have further questions about how this change affects you please send an email to the Product Management team at pm@screenconnect.com. 

Thank you


Additional layer of protection required so users don't see each other's passwords!

Laura 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 3

Please add a layer of security protection so when a guest (or host) entering a password when logging in to another software or website when screen is being shared does NOT appear on other user's screen. Currently passwords can be seen and this is a major privacy/security issue.

anonymous 7 years ago

Hi Laura,

RyanG is right, it is the application/website responsibility to do this. 

Under Review

Kill the Client Session Cookie after Disconnecting from Host

CSFi 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

There needs to be an option to kill the session cookie when the client closes the connection to the host. We do not want the client to have the ability to connect back to the host without logging back into the web interface. Financial Institutions are now requiring 2-factor authentication for access and the current setup allows the client to login back in until the session cookie expires.

Under Review

Larger icon on unattended computer showing the host is in their computer.

DianeOffutt 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Currently that small grey bar showing the host is in the unattended computer seems a bit unprofessional. It would be much better to have a nice box, at the bottom right corner of the screen showing who is logged in remotely AND there should be some controls where the unattended computer owner can 'end session' or 'overpower the host's mouse'. 

This would allow the unattended a feeling of control rather than giving up ALL control of their computer.


cors 403 error page vulnerability scan

Eric Frace 7 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 1

Tests ran through Acunetix come up with a result of 'Insecure CORS configuration' due to the issue mentioned in this post:


I have worked with Control support, and they have confirmed that the POST is getting a 403/ forbidden error that is causing this issue. Contained in that link is an example of how the 403 error can be resolved to no longer show this vulnerability in Acunetix. Our auditors are unsatisfied with the results, so it would be great if we could get this resolved.


An easier way to setup a single user to access a single machine.

dan bendon 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

An easier way to setup a single user to access a single machine, without having to setup up a session group, role & user. Or at least a way to automatically create these and hide them away to save making the site wide setting messy.


The ability to filter session groups by company

dan bendon 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

A filter for session groups that uses "Company" to allow separation of machines by subsidiary or department in large deployments.



Antonio 8 years ago updated by rrd2 7 months ago 7

Would like to set the AccessTokenExpireSeconds so it does not expire when I create an exe. Currently does not work according to documentation.