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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


change the button text in the database maintenance tab to indicate that datbase maintenance will start immediately

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

change the button text in the database maintenance tab to indicate that datbase maintenance will start immediately


Add "IsEnded" reporting option for sessions to Reports API

Steven 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

From CW-7594073

When using the Reports Manager Extension in 5.5, there is no easy way to identify a session that has been ended using the options available. When creating extensions, sessions have the "IsEnded" property, which would be very helpful for the reports manager to be able to access, to be able to get reports on only those sessions that have not been Ended. This appears to be missing from the API itself, and not just the extension.


add the ability to change/edit .css files from a cloud instance

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 2

also would like dynamic themes that allow you to change web resources for each theme


Display a warning whenever an event triggers a ScreenConnect service to restart

Michael Bannerman 9 years ago updated by Irshad Mallick 1 year ago 4

I would like to request a warning dialog on save anywhere in the Admin area that would cause the server to restart its services.
We were recently working with support and a suggestion was made to change the Database Maintenance to help reduce our database size. Upon save all the Screenconnect services restarted and the database maintenance kicked off. We have now been waiting 2+ hours to regain access to our sessions.

-High Tech


place the techs name in the vidoe title when viewing an extended auditing video

Ryan 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

to easily see the tech that was "hosting" the session in the video


Use custom URL for cloud with HTTPS - CW#7593854

Michael Legato (Support) 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 1

Partner would like to use a secure redirect for his own hostname to point to his Screenconnect cloud server.


log email send failures from the ScreenConnect server

Ryan 9 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 3

log email send failures from the ScreenConnect server


Ability to split multiple monitors into seperate windows

jhardwick 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 3

I'd like to have the ability to split multiple guest monitors into separate resizable windows on the host side like what LMI did. The ability to then remember that preference per machine would be helpful or at least make it a host-side user preference.

I waste a lot of time switching between remote monitors in order to get things to a readable size even on 24in LCDs.


Add 72x72 icon resource

Administrator 9 years ago updated by Jake Morgan 8 years ago 3

Partner would like to add a 72x72 icon resource

User Story:

User has an Android device that supports 72x72 icons. Using our 48x48 option results in a fuzzy icon.


Add two factor authentication to the cloud account page

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 7

Partners are requesting an additional layer of security on the cloud account page.

User Story:

A one time password option on the account page login would provide an additional layer of security.