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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Change display name in Windows Control Panel

TAY 4 years ago updated by David RESCUECOM 4 years ago 1

Please let us change the display name in the Windows Control Panel from ScreenConnect... to our company name with a custom text setting like we already have for the banner etc.

Under review

Send credentials to screen from OSX

Roudger 4 years ago updated by CompuIntegration 1 year ago 1

With the Mac client, it is not practical to send user credentials to the screen:

"Essentials" menu > "Send to Screen"

It would be much more convenient to have a shortcut button like sending CTRL + ALT + DELETE.

Or to have the proposal on the screen as from a Windows client.


version 20.10 and others

Pending Review

text for TFA instead of email for all access

rtstiehl 4 years ago 2 1 duplicate

why can't we use text for TFA instead of email for all access? 

I travel a lot and text would be better than email to login even better we should have the option to disable tfa

Pending Review

Login Alert to Users Not Admin

Sean Keown 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 1

Right now the cloud Login Alert only goes to the admin of the platform. These notifications need to go to the technician or the technician needs to be CC'd for them to be useful. 

Example: When changing devices or locations Gmail will send you an email letting you know someone accessed your account from another location. It wouldn't be helpful if google didn't notify you the end user. 

The same needs to be done with with control. At the moment we have over 500+ technicians who's wan IP may change up to 15 times a day as they jump on and off various VPN's or travel from one site to another. If i receive 300 to 400 emails a day how am i to know which email i should pay attention too? Now if the end user gets an email at 2am that says their account was logged in from X location and they didn't perform that action then they could 1.) change their password and 2.) call the admin to ask for assistance. 

As of now, i have to filter these emails into a folder that i may never look at. Hopefully i won't miss anything important. 

Under Review

way to filter out Computer with currently logged user (Active) or have them show in different color

Sandip Patel 4 years ago updated by Ben Hoffman 1 year ago 7

Hi Sandip,

You can create a session group of active sessions. You can use the HostConnectedCount = 0 AND GuestConnectedCount > 0 filter if you're looking for sessions with only a guest connected, or HostConnectedCount > 0 AND GuestConnectedCount > 0 if you're looking for sessions with a host and guest connected.

Pending Review

Widen Admin Security Page, Allow Column to Show full Content

Kyle Larson 4 years ago updated by Austin Timberlake 4 years ago 1

The Administration > Security page has as roughly 800px table for the internal user list.  the columns in that user list are fixed and cannot be widened or sorted.  Since the name, and roles columns are long for some users they get truncated in the UI, this makes it difficult to see the full content.  Would like to see the full Roles so we can easily audit the roles assigned to a given user.

One option is to show the full content of the table without truncating and add a horizontal scroll bar (if needed)

Pending Review

english - hebrew not syncd between host and guest

Roee 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 1
Under review

Sort the name listed to whom you can transfer to

Benoit 4 years ago updated by anonymous 4 years ago 0
Pending Review

Add a searh button in Control Centre

Syed Rizvi 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

Should have 'search' button expliclty for all the machine under Access on Control Centre.

Image 712

Pending Review

REMOVE screen blanking

Dave Hill 4 years ago 0

Giving a Control user the ability to black out a users screen is extremely dangerous, and will lead to abuse of your free trials.

Please see this video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_drmu_2Ump4

A very common scam lately is obviously done by giving a malicous user access to your PC remotely. With the ability to blank out the screen, the malicious user is able to login to your bank account, etc through your browser without you realizing it.

Then, if you have two factor, they claim they will send you a code (since they are "your bank"), and the end user typically will GIVE them the two factor code, and allow them to login to their bank.

This is extremely dangerous, and should not be allowed - especially in a free trial version of the product.