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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Syslog extension to include queued commands

msatterfield 3 years ago 0

The syslog extension currently logs "command was run". This data doesn't include the user that ran the command since that is a separate event "queued command". We need both pieces of information!

Pending Review

Consent to "re-control" on already open support sessions that already previously had consent for user

Fid sysad 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 3

Currently, if an agent connects to a user via a support session, the user receives the consent to control prompt. Once the user allows consent for the remote session, if the agent disconnects from the support session BUT leaves the session open to reconnect later, and then the agent does re-connect to the same session, the user is NOT prompted for another consent to control. Only new/other agents connecting to the same open support session are prompted for consent. I would like an an option added to force "re-consent" for previously consented agents so the user is prompted every time if an agent attempts to access their machine remotely. Not having this is a liability for our company.


Hi Fid Sysad,

We do have an option to help you resolve your request. Follow the steps given in the below link to set the consent timeout to minimum seconds (eg. 10 sec) which will timeout after the set time is over. But it will not disconnect host from the live session though. When host will try to reconnect to the same session, he will be asked for the consent again.



You can use the option to set the time you want. The default time is 3600 sec (1 hr).

Hope this answers your queries!!

Pending Review

Delete devices if they haven't checked in after certain amount of time

Andoni Usubiaga 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

I want machines under access to be automatically removed if they have not connected in x amount of days. I've noticed that a second device is created in connectwise after a creators update so I'll have the 1 machine showing up twice but one of them will never connect. I'm also thinking of machines that we retire in 5 years time. If we replace all our machines, will our old machines still be kept in connectwise?


Hi Andoni,

Seems you have 3 different requests here. Please see answers for all of them below:
1. I want machines under access to be automatically removed if they have not connected in x amount of days.

While we don't currently have a way automatically remove or uninstall Access agents, you can create a session group to corral all machines offline for certain period ie. a year. The filter is GuestLastBootTime < $365DAYSAGO

Note that GuestLastBootTime is is equivalent to the Uptime field on the General tab.

2. I've noticed that a second device is created in connectwise after a creators update so I'll have the 1 machine showing up twice but one of them will never connect.

Please select all the agents which you want to uninstall and then right click > select Delete. A modal will open. Select an option from the modal you want to go for and click Perform. Refer below screenshot for clarity.

Please make sure you will remove the only device(s) which is not connecting.

3. I'm also thinking of machines that we retire in 5 years time. If we replace all our machines, will our old machines still be kept in connectwise?

Yes. As long as don't you uninstall and delete them.


one-time password login verification code email timeout

joe 4 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 1 year ago 17 1 duplicate

Your email servers are sometimes slow in sending out the ConnectWise Control Login Verification code (the one-time password needed to log into my ConnectWise Control account whenever my browser has updated). The timeout period is only 5 minutes and it is often already expired by the time your servers send it. I have ignored this problem in the past, but decided to submit this request today, as it took three times this morning before your servers finally sent the one-time password in less than 5 minutes. So, my enhancement request is this: (1) The ideal solution is to allow admins to set the timeout for their accounts, perhaps within a range, such as 5-60 minutes. (2) If that's too difficult, simply increase the 5 minutes to a number that is more compatible with the capabilities of your email server, perhaps 15-30 minutes. I don't see the latter as a big security risk. Thanks, Joe

Pending Review

Generate reports for login attempts in v21.5

Simon 4 years ago updated by Adam Schwartz 3 years ago 4

I’m testing v21.5 at the moment and I’m overjoyed that login attempts are being logged now.

I see that this has involved the introduction of four “security event” types:

(1) LoginAttempt

(2) LogoutAttempt

(3) ChangePasswordAttempt

(4) ResetPasswordAttempt

However, when I download my audit log using the ‘Download Audit Log as CSV’ extension, these event types aren’t included.

I’d like to be able to export login attempts in CSV form, so I really hope that this extension and the two report-generating extensions (‘Report Generator’ and ‘Report Manager’) will be updated in time for and in advance of the stable release of v21.5, rather than after.

Pending Review

manage screen connect prompt for storage

Vincent Amoroso 4 years ago updated by RYC KLC 3 years ago 1

Screen connect "prompt for password" storage needs to have some controls around password expiration.   This feature can be used to obtain credentials in plain text for other users long after their intended period of use.  Either this should clear on end of session, on service restart, or have some administrative method to set an expiration period.

Pending Review

Pending Windows Updates for Sessions

tp_ahaas 4 years ago 0

Windows updates shows a list of pending updates for the computer. Each update has an "Install" button.


  • Change "Install" to "Pending" after you click it to verify the command was sent.
  • Add a button to install all pending updates so we don't have to click each one
  • Add a checkbox next to each update so we execute the installation of multiple updates simultaneously
Pending Review

Mac Alternative MenuBar Icon for Dark Mode

BBComputing 4 years ago 0

Currently in Settings>Appearance, a menu bar icon can be set for mac computers, called  "ApplicationIconMac22".

This icon looks great in 'light' mode of the Mac OS, but in dark mode, it seems that it is then the only dark icon, instead of flipping to an alternate icon (inversed/lighter color icon).

Please either:

1) Automatically create an inversed color icon for display in dark mode

2) (PREFERRED) Allow designation and upload of an alternative icon to be used when the computer is in dark mode

Pending Review

Allow a lower screen refresh rate (for more responsive control)

David Rueter 4 years ago updated 2 years ago 1

When controlling a host that has live video on screen, even if using "Low Quality" (black and white) video quality, control can be very laggy:  mouse clicks can take 5 seconds to process.

Furthermore, screen refreshes can end up getting delayed by many seconds.

The guest can afford to have greatly reduced video frames.  But more responsive control is important,

I would like a way to configure a very slow screen refresh rate--such as a screen update every 500ms or 1000ms.  I think this would improve responsiveness of both mouse clicks and other control input, and also result in more timely delivery of screen updates (instead of having the connection be bogged down trying to send obsolete and unneeded video frames).

This is particularly important when the support session in question is being used to assist with or provide primary control of live video streaming.  More real-real time control is imperative.  Greatly reduced number of attempted screen updates is acceptable, and should allow improved responsiveness of control.

Note that the behavior I have described is true even when the internet connection of both the host and the guest is fast and reliable:  > 20Mbps up and >100Mbps down.

Pending Review

iPadOS - Face recognition - Login

Express 4 years ago 0

Face req has been around for a long time now. It would be super helpful when opening the app it would log right in with face recognition. Or biometric for older iPads.