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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Connection history log/timeline for hosts

patrick 4 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 4 years ago 2 1 duplicate

Create a page where hosts can see the names of sessions they have joined with the total time connected for each session. Join/disconnect times would be nice as well, possibly in the same "Timeline" format we have now.

This would be extremely useful to be able to review a tech's connections for the day/week for auditing/billing.

Pending Review

Provide x64 Command Prompts in Backstage Mode

jbaits 4 years ago 0

Currently backstage mode provides 32 bit cmd and powershell windows even on x64 systems. 32 bit prompts are very limiting and do not provide access to things like the 64-bit registry hives

Pending Review

New update requires 2 clicks to open remote session

dbamford 4 years ago 0

We just upgraded to Automate 2020 v5.  Now while in the Automate Web version. You need to click on control, then choose launch or live data.  This decreases productivity.  Please make each one their own link.  We just went from 1 click remote control to 2 click remote control.   We are very unhappy!!!!!


Alphebetize/Sort Option for Dropdown Options in "Build Installer" Menu

Chris Morton 4 years ago updated by Harsha C 3 months ago 3

Currently, there is no obvious order to the list of options in the Company (or other) dropdowns when building an installer in the Build Installer menu. This is accessed by selecting Access on the left sidebar and then selecting Build + in the upper left.

I would like an option to sort this menu so it is easier to find things.

How I'm opening the Build Installer menu:

Image 683

What I'm seeing when I open the dropdown:

Image 685

Thank you,



Control Deployment Tool should handle VPN Network Scans and Multiple VLANs

Mike Brown 4 years ago updated by 3133 1211 3 years ago 5

When deploying the Control Support/Access client an organization may have multiple Vlans, the tool should be able to reach out to multiple Vlans.  The other issue is that you cannot deploy to clients using VPNs.

Pending Review

Add the ability to set preferred timezone for Report Generator extension

Simon 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0 1 duplicate

The reports produced by the Report Generator extension, which comes with the Cloud Access packages, use GMT for their timezone.

I would like to be able to change the timezone to something else.

Pending Review

Add the ability to deny permission inheritance for session groups

bneste 5 years ago updated by Karama 3 months ago 1

Would like to have the ability to set up 'limited administrator' accounts for employees who need to be able to maintain most aspects of Control, but prevent them from seeing/using specific session groups. As far as I can see, this would only be possible if there was an option to deny permission inheritance on a session group from the parent level. Seems like a valuable enhancement to me!

Pending Review

remote workforce with LDAP auth for multiple clients

jeremy lake 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 2

I was told by support that remote workforce only works with internal authentication. Using LDAPs would allow us to manage our remote workforce accounts on the client domains and remove access automatically when the account is disabled. 

Pending Review

Secondary or redundant login to the admin cloud portal

lmolzan 5 years ago updated by Stefan Farnik 3 years ago 1


I would like to request that you add-on the ability to add a second login for the cloud admin accounts in future iterations of your program. Trying to purchase an extra license was quite an ordeal. It took a week to get ahold of anyone in your company and then someone explained that the only way that is conceptually possible to add any kind of license is through the cloud portal, but you guys don't allow companies to have more than one user registered for access to it. I was kind stuck in between a rock and a hard place because of this today. I just think that this would make user administration easier across the board for everyone. Companies would have more autonomous control over their own accounts. Because of this they theoretically wouldn't have to open as many tickets with you guys for either question like I had or needing to gain access to the said account because there is only one and that person is gone or something. Food for thought hopefully anyway.

Thank you.

Pending Review

Default Clipboard Settings for Servers vs Workstations

Marshall Rownd 5 years ago 0

Would like the ability to set Default Clipboard Sharing Settings based on if the machine is a Server or if it is a Workstation.

Options would be Default to On, Off or Disabled

Example Setup:
Servers - Share Clipboard - Defaults to On
Workstations - Share Clipboard - Disabled

If this functionality already exists can you point me in the right direction to set it up?