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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

shake users screen

jpope 5 years ago 0

Would be nice to have a Shake screen feature for when the user is not paying attention and we could "shake" it to get their attention. 

Considering for Future Release

Limit access by mac address

Paul Pazdziora 5 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

we REALLY need to get a mac address filtering option.  Whitelisting for IP does not work when most users are travelling with laptops.

Pending Review

Manage Credential, separate permissions per features

framirez 5 years ago 0

Can you separate the permissions in "manage credentials"?

I mean, we want some users to be able to "Prompt for Storage" but we want other users to be able to "Send to Screen"

Under Review

Add a section under each user for trusted IPs and or networks

Erich Schuster 5 years ago updated by jhardwick 5 years ago 2

So webconfig can lock down host and admin pages per network but it doesn't do it per user, also having to edit the webconfig to lock it down makes it less than desirable. So my idea is the following.

Call the section Trusted Hosts (or something) and if it is filled out, the user can only log into the site if they are on those networks. One of the main reasons I would like to see this is for the administrator accounts that aren't used for much be locked down to internal IPs or specific external IPs to prevent hack attempts. 

Pending Review

Need to Find a new way to Hook Into the Screen to avoid the "Screen Recording" Permissions

Headbolt 5 years ago updated by Simon 4 years ago 2

Since Catalina, ScreenConnect has been broken by the new "Screen Recording" SPP Section.

For any Enterprise, manually Allowing this permission is a No Go, and the implementation of this Section does not allow a Configuration Profile to do this for us.

Apple Remote Desktop does not fall foul of this, and Apple have assured us they are not White-Listing their own Products and examination of the SPP Database seems to bear this out.

Apple have, and other vendors claim to have (though nothing but a few buggy betas are in circulation) another way to Hook into the Screen that is more secure and does not fall foul of this. 

ConnectWise need to either develop this as well, or at least have a dialogue with Apple and determine a way around this, or ScreenConnect becomes a useless product for any decent sized Enterprise that cannot Physically visit every MAC to allow the permission manually, and for security reasons does not allow Users access to change such settings themselves.

Pending Review

host client toolbar resizing option

David Kemp 5 years ago updated by jhardwick 5 years ago 2

We are using an application to help us rotate passwords for accounts and the add-in is attached to the Helper dropdown. Currently adding more than one login name appears in a small window that doesn't operate well. I would like to see a feature to customize the size of the top toolbar function for each individual tab. That way we could display out multiple logins that might be required for any particular client or computer

Under Review

SCIM provisioning

drew lewis 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Please add SCIM provisioning for Single Sign on.

Pending Review

Tranmit any comination of modifyer keys, not just Ctrl+Alt+Del.

Rob Patterson 5 years ago updated by Edward Torres 5 years ago 1

I have a client running Server 2019 in a VM. The backup software they use has a hidden CLI built into it that can only be accessed by using Ctrl+Shift+C. I am unable to enter that key combination on the remote machine. I tried enabling sticky keys but that feature doesn't apply to the onscreen keyboard. I also tried to remote into the server hosting the VM and ran into the same issue. Using that key combination only registered on the host, not the VM. At this point I have no ability to enter the CLI to perform the required procedure. I, of course, filed a complaint with the maker of the backup software, but it occurred to me that this feature really should be added to Control. I thought it might take the form of a button that captures all local keystrokes and transmits them to the client until the feature is turned off. Those of you that are Linux users and have used Remmina will be very familiar with this feature.

Under Review

Plan sessions

Karsten 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Instead of the instant / ad-hoc session I would like to plan a session for a certain date/time. 

Planned means that if I create a planned session, the client gets an email informing them about the date and the time, together with a link to add to their calendar and the appropriate texts in that email. The system then automatically sends a reminder email with a link to join 15 minutes before start.

In my technician view I have a list of planned sessions ordered by date / time.

The workaround right now is that I create the ad-hoc session, name it with date / time before the actual title so that in the list of sessions it is in the correct order. Then copy a link of the session into a manual calendar entry and manually add the client as a participant. It works but it is not as easy / smooth.

Quite a few competitors have that feature of planned sessions.

Under Review

Restrict Control access sessions to 1 technician at a time

Dan Brook 5 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 5 years ago 1

Restrict Control access sessions to 1 technician at a time (perhaps with a prompt to consent if another technician joins) on a subset of computers.

The use case is for a "Do not disturb" when he is working on a system. This is to avoid multiple users trying to make changes at the same time or for privacy.