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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Change color for custom fields

Sasa Zelic 2 years ago 0

We have custom fields for agents in Control that we would like to set different color that we can easily notice. e.g. note custom field in a picture below

Image 1037

Pending Review

Remote printing ON/OFF by default PER computer or per users

Jean-Michel Gendron 2 years ago 0

Monitoring the server connectwise control

sabri zeineb 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Is it posssible to monitor the server Connectwise server with SCOM ? 

Pending Review

Triggers - Web Request Action - Serial Number Attribute

Ashley 3 years ago 0

We would love to be able to use the machine serial number in Triggers - Web Request Actions

This allows us to accurately monitor and log device information in a custom database and machine Serial numbers should be considered a reasonably default identifier for most devices. 


Add the zoom percentage back to the view menu when moved to the right pane.

RylosGato 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

This seems like a code regression or feature removal. I upgraded to 22.2 today and lost the percentage in my right column for the zoom.

Pending Review

Search Based on Logged In Users for Multi-Session Systems

Chris H 3 years ago 0

It is currently difficult to find the system that a user is logged into based on their username on multi-session systems like Remote Desktop Servers / Terminal Servers / Azure Virtual Desktops. We'd love to be able to search a username to filter machines based on non-console user sessions (i.e. RDP sessions).

Pending Review

On a multisession host be able to select which user you would like to chat with

Joe Silva 3 years ago updated by Chris H 3 years ago 1

If you launch a session to a multisession system such as RDS, you can switch between the users logged into the session and chat directly with that user.

From the messages area, before you join a session, I would like to be able to have the ability to send a message to a specific logged-in user or all users currently logged into the system.

For example, this would allow us to message a specific user on a multisession server requesting permissions to connect to their session before connecting. It would also allow us to send a message to all users currently logged in.


Microphone passthrough

Thomas Rowswell 3 years ago updated by Simon 3 years ago 2

I would like to be able to speak into my mic, and have that sound pass through the remote pc as if I were speaking into the local mic

Under Review

ConnectWise doesn't show up properly in PDQ Inventory.

LarryPDQ 3 years ago updated by Paul Glover 3 years ago 2

ConnectWise doesn't show up properly in PDQ Inventory. Problem may be as simple as completely filling out the Windows Manifest. Right now, Product Name in blank in Properties -> Detail for the executable.


Audit Log Export to CSV and Report Manager Extension UK Date Format

TonyK 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1


I recently tried to export the ScreenConnect Administration Audit log. There was no export to CSV option.

I then installed the ConnectwiseLabs Report Manager and this failed to export.

I investigated this and this was down to the Report Manager extension being hardcoded with the US date format - mm/dd/yyyy

As I am in the UK this failed

I had to create a VM with US settings to export the data.  This means I have to run a VM every time I want to export the audit log.

Can this extension be updated to read the local browser localisation?

Alternatively, add the export to CSV into the Audit page natively with filters
