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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow partner's to create custom commands

Ryan Ouellette 2 years ago 0

A custom command like CustomCommand1 where we can edit a string of commands like Ctrl-Atl-Delete to a custom command, would be nice. 

Pending Review

Transfer Toolbox Files WITHOUT Running Them Automatically then Open Location

Ryan Yoxthimer 2 years ago 0

I would like to see the option to transfer a toolbox file WITHOUT having it run automatically.  Often times there is a need to transfer the file, but run in through a command line with options or its simply not an executable but is commonly needed.  It would be nice if the guest would pop an explorer window with the location once its transferred (provides an easy way to open an command line to that folder).  All of these should be an option on the host client in the toolbox menu.

Pending Review

Add the Connectwise app to Microsoft for SAML

amelerowicz 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

The SAML method requires you to declare the Connectwise app to Microsoft. I would like to be able to use SAML as my SSO method of choice. 

Pending Review

Be able to have more than 3 emails against a single contact

yasmin harvey 2 years ago 0

We have a lot of alerting platforms that use more than 1 email but it would be tidier to store all of the emails under 1 contact rather than only being able to store 3 emails under a contact

Under Review

Fetching IP Address in Reports

Josiah Fuller 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3


Generate reports that include the IP Address of the host/user that is connect to the session.


To track accounts that are being shared and to see what IP addresses have been accessing which sessions/devices.

This is massive for cybersecurity as I just had an account get locked due to too many failed attempts from different IP addresses - internally and a different country. Being able to tell what sessions/devices the bad actor connected to will help file anything with authorities and to help mitigate unauthorized access concerns.

Pending Review

Client control session menu auto drop down control

JeremyR 2 years ago 0

I'd like the ability to stop the automatic drop down menu function of the client control session window in this image circled in red.

Image 1040

I'd prefer these icons only be opened when I click on them directly, not when I just hover over them.


Need help with configuration .xml file for ConnectWise Control App for iOS devices

Evgenii Kozhemiakin 2 years ago updated by Ian Watts 2 years ago 4

Hello guys!

We are about to push ConnectWise Control App to all our iPads/iPhones (about 800 devices) from ManageEngine DesktopCentral.

I'm trying to figure out .xml configuration file so we don't need to add manually company.screenconnect.com on each device.

It should be something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">












Do you have your own sample configuration .xml file that we can use?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Evgenii,

I would suggest reaching out to Control support so that a technician can help you with your request.


Under Review

Ability to NOT publish Connectwise Control Agent Installer

thomas francis 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 3

In Connectwise Control - Access Tab - Build+, the URL to download exe, msi, pkg etc is publicly accessible to anyone that has that URL or "guesses" it. I would like the ability to not publish the installer publicly via the website. These installer files reside in c:\Program Files (x86)\ScreenConnect\Bin. We handle deployment of the installers internally only via admin tools and have no need to make them accessible externally. 


Hi Thomas,

It is a global permission which can be found in Security -> Roles. To not allow Access Build Installer, you simply need to edit the role you don't want to give this permission to and uncheck the box.

For further queries you can always contact our Support team.


Is this app available on fedora workstation?

Kjthompson 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1
Pending Review

Fullscreen option for Android and ChromeOS

mlin 2 years ago 0