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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

KACE integration

Buddy Taras 2 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

We'd like to integrate connectwise into KACE, so we can click a link within KACE and have it open a screenconnect session on the machine in question. Both from a Ticket and from Asset management. 


Mac Chat support

Erik Osterholm 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Chat doesn't seem to be supported any more on Macs? This would be an extremely handy feature to have.

Thank you



Hi Erik,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We have tested this feature on version 22.4.7745 and it works as expected. Please see below attachment for your reference.

If you still can't see this feature on your Mac device. Please contact our Support team for further investigation.

Pending Review

new currency moldavian leu

Victor Osipov 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

First of all I love your app guys everything is perfect for me.

If you could add one more currency Moldavian Leu, so could delete my other accounts with other banking app to make these transfers that would be perfect.

Thank you

PS: I know very few people use this but would be awesome if you could have it

Pending Review

Full Screen Window Border Color Option

Elitestore 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Many of us now use large monitors but sometimes we still need to run a client connection in full screen mode.  On my ultra-wide screens, this often creates letterbox bands on left and right of the remote session window.  This color is currently a muddy black or grey and I would like to choose the color of this background filler.  Personally, I want pure black to lower the amount of light projected from the monitor as I work this way. (sample image below)

Image 1041

Pending Review

Support for SAML with One Login

joshua henrikson 2 years ago 0

SAML SSO is supported for OKta, Azure, Google.... What about One Login? It's a leader in the Gartner quadrant. It's time to get with the times?  

Pending Review

Shift key iOS app

buysecured 2 years ago 0

Hi. Can you please add shift key in the iOS app? Thanks

Pending Review

access agent

Jetcity 2 years ago 0

Allow more functions on the access agent and provide one pane of glass to see all in the admin panel

* Request or start a support session.

* Add URLs

* IT contact information with the branding

Pending Review

Internal note on Clients screen

dforguson 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

A way to create a small internal note tied to an end point visible from the Clients screen. 

Pending Review

Allow usernames in the Access tab of chat

Ryan Ouellette 2 years ago 0

At this time you can add usernames to support tab through the appearance tab, but you're currently not able to add them to the access tab. 

Pending Review

See remote session mouse pointer animation on hover, useful for expanding and contracting windows and tables

JUSTJ 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Curently, when remoting a persons PC the mouse pointer does not represent the hover animation or status of the action that can be performed.

The edge of a window for resizing or the right spot to click and grad a table border

It is currently guess work and depending on the size of your screen and magnification these points can be tricky
I know of other remote software that you can see this and think it would be a very helpful feature to also have with this software too