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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Better method for update email notifications. Control Output Stream not always accurate.

nathan levandowski 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

I'm subscribed to notifications from the Control Output Stream so I know when Connectwise Control needs to be updated. Unfortunately, this is not always accurate. Today I got an email showing that 22.1 is tagged as Stable here, but it's not actually released on the download page or admin page update check as Stable yet. Also, I wish there was a way to subscribe to emails only for Stable releases so I don't get irrelevant emails about Internal and Canary.



We have found an issue that affects on-premise installation performance, cloud instances were not affected so we decided to release to the cloud first while the issue is resolved.  We hope to have a fix for this before the end of the week and will post the download as soon as it is ready.

Unfortunately there is not a way to only subscribe to stable release notifications.


Make the right check of "Require Consent" from the Control Portal not from the Client device.

Nuha Baghanim 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Dear CW control team, 

I need to do the right check "Require the consent" on my side or by the Control portal, not the client device side like SolarWinds. 

When we need to revoke the "Require the consent ", the technician can do it by control portal. Because some times, the client has an issue but he/she is not on the device. So, the technician can solve the issue without any action from the client's device.

I hope these features add it on Control as soon as.

so can the technician works smoothly with any device when the client gives his approval.



Please add Guest's public IP address (what you call 'Network Address') into selectable field list within Report Manager

Paul G 3 years ago updated by anonymous 1 year ago 2

I have your 'Access 250' subscription.  Currently, the Report Manager extension allows you to select the guest's local IP address (on the Access web interface you display this as 'Private Network Address'), and hardware network address (you display this as 'MAC Address'), but not the guest's public IP address.  The public IP address is actually shown within the Access web interface (you display this as 'Network Address'), so you are collecting/displaying this information, it just isn't selectable within Report Manager which is odd.  I can't think of a reason why this would be missing other than it ws accidentally forgotten - therefore, please could you add this additional field value?


Respect signing of Powershell scripts

Derek Howard 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 2

We've begun signing our Powershell scripts, thus preventing the scripts from being run if any modifications have been made to the content of the script. However, when pasting the script into the Commands tab of Control, complete with the signature block, the command runs anyway, even when the hash doesn't match.

I would like to see Control refuse to run a script if the signature doesn't validate. If it is a problem with the script itself, then the agent could manually validate that the script contents actually do what they want it to do, and simply not paste in the signature block.

Pending Review

Control multiple host sessions on one guest

smcowan 3 years ago 0

I have a situation in ConnectWise Control Access where more than one host may connect to a guest desktop. If a session is already in progress, I would like to prevent the second host connecting, or at least have an alert which needs to be acknowledged before connection.

Pending Review

Security Role - allow to exclude one or more Session Groups instead only allow to include

Francesco Capuano 3 years ago 0


could be very usefull to be able to create security roles with exception (beeinga able to break the inheritance for one or more Session Groups).

Using these security role will allow to exclude only certain groups without the need to edit the role every time a new session group is created.



Pending Review

Remote user restricted folders view

RMV07 3 years ago 0

restrict  particular folder/s in a local or shared drive so that when a host joins on the session they are not able to see the particular folder on the remote machine

Pending Review

Changing URL that appears when a host invites a guest

Radame Hernandez 3 years ago 0

How to change the URL that shows up for our techs inviting with a code so we can streamline our instructions for inviting a customer?


Inactive or Stale Accounts Report

jcrossley 3 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 3 years ago 9

Most security audits require us to be able to report on any stale or inactive user accounts. Having the ability to find this info and report on this is critical.

Pending Review

Request for creating and buying a license key for my business through remote support and access.

Richard Collins 3 years ago 0

Request for creating and buying a license key for my business through remote support and access.