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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!


Audit switching between sessions on multi-user machines

jtackett 7 years ago updated by Katarina 5 years ago 12

On muti-user machines (like a Citrix or RDS server for example) we should be able to see when a host switches from one user's session to another.  Currently the audit log only records the user that is logged in on initial connection.


Desktop Button

Carsten Bech 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

it will be go with a button on the desktop so when the customer will contact us again, they should be able to tap it and then we can connect to them again.

Considering for Future Release

Use SC client as LDAP Connector

Stefan 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Use a permanent SC client on a windows guest in a windows domain to connect to the AD and get user/logon credentials. 

So a cloud or linux instance would be able to support LDAP. 

Pending Review

Ability to control via flag in the toolbox to NOT allow host users to share their desktop

randall hon 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

Would like to have the ability to control (disable) the ability for Host users to share their desktop via remote support sessions.

Pending Review

Sound Alert When Remote is Sent to a HOST by another HOST

Shrey Marwah 7 years ago 0

I recommend you adding a feature of a Sound Alert when a Remote session is transferred to a Host. Also the browser icon in the task bar should flash so that the technician is alerted .

Under Review

Session Queue between Departments.

Shrey Marwah 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4


If we are providing technical support and also have a sales department. There should be a queue where sales agents can transfer all their sessions, and sessions can then be picked up by any active technician. Same feature is already used by LogMeIn which we were using in past. However we would be glad to have a similar feature with ConectWise Control. 


Shrey Marwah

Considering for Future Release

Livechatinc.com Integration

Lewis Perry 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 3

Hi ConnectWise Team,


It would be awesome if you could integrate ScreenConnect with LiveChat Inc.

Integration Details:


We are currently using LiveChat and TeamViewer to support our clients and would like to switch over to ScreenConnect once this integration is in place.



Add project board to mobile app.

Chris Weis 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

This is a vital component of our business.  Our project team needs to be able to view the project board on a mobile device.  Particularly iOS.  The ease of usability was one of the reasons we moved to Connectwise.  Please add this.

anonymous 7 years ago


Welcome to the ConnectWise Control Forum.

This seems like a Manage request, so you'll want to register it on their enhancement forum. 


Considering for Future Release

group support meeting access together

shaul 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 5 1 duplicate

please make we should be able to make a group with all 3 option support, meeting and  access 

example HostConnectedCount>0 should have all 3 so i can see how many licence are in use



Error message if "Type" is not selected

Carol Herist 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

It would be nice to have an error message pop up (sort of like the "cannot be save" message) if they "Type" field is not selected. 

Ex...if a technician marks a ticket completed and the type field is not changed from "must change" or "update this", when they try to save it, it will throw up an error message telling them that the "Type" field must be changed prior to marking the ticket completed.

anonymous 7 years ago


Welcome to the ConnectWise Control Forum.

This seems like a Manage request, so you'll want to register it on their enhancement forum. 
