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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

need to feature to disable mouse movement on host machine

mikefixme 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2



Receiving: add column for Expected Date of Arrival

Richard Ruter 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1
anonymous 7 years ago


Welcome to the ConnectWise Control Forum.

This seems to be a Sell request, if so, you'll want to register it on their enhancement forum. 


Under Review

Make andriod app more tied to device

Tim Wages 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

It would be beneficial to tie the Android app to the device better.  Right now if you have dozens of devices that are all the same model number they all show up as the same name in the access list on the web.  Also it is possible to connect to the same account multiple times, so if you have a lot of devices you could have duplicates, may not be easy to figure out which are which.  It would be nice to make the mobile app more in line with the desktop version in that respect.


Chat Notes into Manage

zack 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

We would like the chat notes that auto populate into Manage through the plugin to go into the Internal notes tab instead of the Discussion tab 

anonymous 7 years ago


The Manage team takes enhancement requests for the integration, so you'll want to register it on their enhancement forum. 


Pending Review

Show selected device name in browser tab

cps 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

This is a similar issue to what was addressed two years ago in the feature request "Computer name before application name in title".

While multi-tasking across several trouble tickets, a tech might have several different host views open in different browser tabs. By default, each tab has the same title, "ConnectWise Control Remote Support Software", which is defined by the web resource Page.Title. This means that all browser tabs have the same title, making it impossible to distinguish them without clicking on each one.

I propose that it would be more useful and powerful for the browser tab to show something more meaningful. The simplest solution would be for the tab to show the name of the currently selected device. If no device is selected, but a group is selected, show the name of the group. If neither a device nor group is selected, then revert to the default Page.Title text.

A slightly more complex version of this would be to allow the display of a user definable "Custom Property" field of the currently selected device.


Bulk schedule move

CJccl 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Every day there are schedules in my calendar that I didn't get to and want to move them to the next day. It is tedious and slow because I have to move each one individually, and there is often many. Everyone else in our IT service company has the same issue. It would be great if we could select multiple schedules at once and drag them to the next day in a single move. Thanks


Freeze the header row when scrolling on a quote

Lgrande 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

This would be nice when you have multiple columns and a many line items to be able to still see the header row.


When moving a line- you cannot move beyond the bottom of your actual monitor screen - will not keep scrolling

Lgrande 7 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1

Example if you need to move a spacer that is at the top, and it is a large quote, it will not keep scrolling to the spot you need it in, it stops where the screen view stops.  Would like the ability to scroll down further if needed.

Under Review

Mass rebootor shutdown of machines in a group

kris petrovski 7 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 2

have the ability to reboot and or shutdown all machines in a group


HostLastActivityTime or similar to view recent connection by host

karst@kci 7 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 2

i would like to be able to have a session list filter that would show all sessions i have recently had a host connection with.

for example: if i worked on a few pc's yesterday and i want to see how they are progressing