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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

CWCRS Freshdesk Integration in other languages, Spanish for example?

Pablo RMC 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 1


The ConnectWise Control Remote Support (CWCRS) in FreshDesk it a great addition, but it needs the ability to being localized/translated/ some kind of i18n, for example, to Spanish.

Title of the control (as we customize the software), general interface, email invitation text...

Any plans to do it?

Thank you.

Under Review

search filter drop down box

Northern Star Technology Group 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

I would like to request an editable drop down for the search filter. Maybe have some standard pre filled filters like ##LastConnectedEventTime < $180DAYSAGO and ##UnacknowledgedEventCount > 0. 

Image 253


Advanced search w/ Variable Filter

Peter OTools 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I'd love to see Advanced Search options, rather than those few basics like pcname, ip, organizacion, user.

as it's mentioned in:


I believe it would be powerful tool to have the option for advance filtering, like

"Properties, operators, literals, variables, and functions can be combined to create powerful expressions" mentioned when filtering Groups, since Filtering Groups not everyone have access to do it (see also):


I'm not a SC admin, so I don't have either to get the report module to use it.

But I could filter in that way and report/list/find easily with this magnificent tool, if added.

IDK, lets say to search with these options I should putt ## or whatever symbol prior any variable in order for the software to understand the search criteria.

Thanks in advance.

anonymous 6 years ago
Pending Review

The ability to restrict access to machines or groups per user or user group

Dan Brook 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

I would be useful to be able to restric access to machines or groups of machines to particular users or user groups.

Under Review

Develop Thin Client Hardware

vividspin 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Suggestion to develop thin client hardware. Monitor pass-through with network cable pass-through. Maybe USB powered. Full control over a PC boot up etc. Like an external iDRAC. Thanks Neil 

Under Review

Remove user details to a seperate "offline" table

simon smith 6 years ago updated by Sean White 6 years ago 2

While talking about GDPR at ITNation EU, someone mentioned that e.g. historical tickets contained information that enabled individuals to be identified, and that this could be a security concern. My thought here is whether it would be possible to optionally reduce the identifying information to a simple ID, but be able to reference this elsewhere (e.g. and "offline" table. Might be impractical but thought I'd mention it.


Email Alerts - Service Outages

mgrad 6 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1

There should be a feature for email alerts when a server goes down so that we could be moved to a different instance or be able to prepare a backup support software to use in the meantime to connect to our clients.

Under Review

Stop Slack addin sending messages if connected to a session

William Hilsum 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 1


I love the Slack extension for when users send a quick message, however, if I am connected, it gets quite annoying that Slack/Windows pop up messages go over the Screen Connect client and are generally really really annoying.

Please have a new option that chat messages only get sent to Slack if there is no technical connected to the session.


Under Review

Toolbox upgrades

TechCare 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

G'day guys,

Toolbox is amazing. But there are some more enhancements I would like to see.

In addition to what is mentioned here - https://control.product.connectwise.com/communities/1/topics/95-make-file-transfers-more-efficient-auto-resume-the-transfer-if-connection-interupted

I would like to see:

- Visible percentage or completion bar of the progress of transfer (it was there and now isn't). I'm talking when accessing the "Manage Toolbox" when connected to client.

- Fix issues with transferring large files. Typically if I try to download 60MB to 130MB file (some installer) then it fails, no warning, no alert, no recovery. Work around is keep trying till it works.


Steven Swarts


Pending Review

Prioritize feature requests based on votes and update us on feature request more often.

JesseFarris 6 years ago updated by Mike Bannerman 6 years ago 1

I don't know about the rest of the ScreenConnect community, but I'm starting to not trust these feature requests. There are several request with 75+ up-votes that are over 2 years old. Whats the point of this if the request we are most wanting are never implemented. I mean, we have requests that are "Considering for future release" that have 6 up-votes. Also, these higher requests should be updated by the site admins so users know whats going on with them. This will probably get taken down, but if it doesn't, please up-vote this to number one.