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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Under Review

report manager reports emailed on a schedule task

Vince Russo 8 years ago updated by ts2340 5 months ago 4

I noticed report manager has a new feature to directly send the report in a email attachment. It would be cool if you could schedule that on a reoccuring task.


Unattended access for Android devices

Administrator 9 years ago updated by Ben Burner 7 years ago 16 3 duplicates

Partner would like to add Access clients to connect to Android devices.

User Story:

Partner manages a fleet of Android devices, mostly Samsung Galaxy tablets. If he could install Access clients he could connect to these devices without end user assistance.

Under Review

Ability to connect to guest when their DNS is not working

RyanG 7 years ago updated by Alain GROSS 3 years ago 12 1 duplicate

I would like to have the ability to make a host connection to a guest even if the guest's DNS is not functioning by way of having them check into my Control server by IP if DNS resolution fails. In CW Automate we have the ability to do this by specifying both a FQDN and an IP for Automate agents to check in with. 

This may only be workable with a self hosted Control server with a static IP so it wouldn't need to be exposed by default. I think this would be something we would need to add to the app.config since it would need to be on the guest side. Another possibility might be for the Control agents to remember and keep checking into the last resolved IP address if the system DNS stops resolving the FQDN.

Under Review

Ability to switch to a LAN connection when machines are on the same Network

Mike Bannerman 9 years ago updated by camBravo 3 years ago 20

When host and guest are on the same network, establish a direct connection rather than using the relay server.

User Story:
Partner would like to not use server architecture when machines are on the same LAN.

architecture connection lan network
Under Review

Automatic Support Sessions End on inactivity

roberto cazzato 8 years ago updated by EvdZon 2 months ago 33 3 duplicates

Choice after how long an inactive sessions or sessions without connection from Hosts/Guests/Hosts+Guests must be closed (Ended). This leave a clean Screenconnect without many connections unused and administrator check to close long unused sessions.

Under Review

Disk Information at "General Menu"

Accuracy Solutions 7 years ago updated by Kunta Kinke 2 months ago 10

Would be good to see the space available / total space for all hard drive (like Available Memory). It is a good intel to know.


Show private IP and MAC in web info panel

Crosby Loggins 7 years ago updated by lavoietl 5 years ago 26

Although it's obviously possible to obtain this information via the remote console, it would be very helpful if the web portal general info tab included the private IPs and associated MAC addresses of Internet connected interfaces on the remote machine.

The public IP is nice, but private would be more immediately useful in most cases. And most PSAs and RMMs require the MAC and or Serial of remote machines for database sync purposes...

Better yet, give us the ability to customize what info is displayed there through scripting, etc maybe?


Pending Review

Digitally signed pkg files for MDM deployment to macOS systems

Andrea Rochira 4 years ago updated by John Case 9 months ago 19 3 duplicates

Our company recently transitioned to ConnecWIse Control. A great product, although on macOS systems, Gatekeeper dislikes the "unidentified developer" property of the pkg file. 

This poses two problems:

  • many times, the support technicians have to guide end-users through multiple System Preferences settings in order to successfully establish a connection
  • when the pkg file is deployed through an MDM platform (and it's not internally signed by the company), the installation fails 

It would be much appreciated to include one of the following features in Control:

  • pkg files automatically signed by ConnectWise
  • upload a company developer certificate that can be used to sign the pkg files


Considering for Future Release

Add ability to use webcam in sessions

anonymous 9 years ago updated by Raysindustrial 2 years ago 12 5 duplicates

Partner would like the ability to use a webcam to communicate with customers inside a session


Looking for an ETA on Mac M1 client / processor support

dpuenner 4 years ago updated by Brian Robichaud 11 months ago 49 1 duplicate

Is than an estimated release date for the Mac M1 client?   The current client installs sucessfully, but never registers in the control panel.


All, I wanted to give an update on this. We have finished scoping out the work required and will soon be scheduling the work. I can't give a firm date on when this will be available yet, but will update when the work is nearing completion.