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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Support for iPadOS

Pbrazell 4 years ago updated by ZackWolf 2 years ago 18

The iOS app should be updated to include features of iPadOS. 

  1. Native cursor support. In iPad OS 13.4 Apple added mouse/trackpad support to iPadOS. Control should be able to recognize that there is a Bluetooth mouse connected and remove the on screen mouse in favor of the native experience. Including gestures and right click.
  2. Recognize if a keyboard is connected. If a keyboard is connected, always keep the keyboard activated in the app. Also add support for modifier keys. I think shift works, but not CTRL, Windows Key, etc.
  3. Ability to send/receive files to and from remote sessions. Utilize the Files app on iPadOS to be able to send/receive files. 
  4. Multi Window Support. In iPadOS 13 you have the ability to run multiple instances of the app. This would be great for being remoted in on multiple computers. 
Considering for Future Release

Hide wallpaper before the connected session begins.

bryanh 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 8 1 duplicate

ScreenConnect is already configured to hide wallpaper after you connect to a remote computer. The problem is that you'll connect, the desktop will start streaming back to the server, and then the wallpaper will be hidden. So if the computer you're connecting to has a very colorful wallpaper and a slow connection what happens is when you first connect it takes a really long time to drawn the initial frame of the remote computer. Once the initial frame is loaded then the wallpaper is hidden, allowing for a much better frame rate. If you could change SC so that when you connect to a computer it hides the wallpaper first, then starts streaming the image the desktop. This would prevent the initial connecting from taking 10 to 15 seconds to drawn the very first frame.

I hope this makes sense. Please let me know what you think.

Under Review

Be able to set (and clear) stored credentials for sessions from host page.

Steven 9 years ago updated by Alex Heylin 2 years ago 14 1 duplicate


Partner noted it can be tedious joining each session, logging in (if not already logged in), prompting for storage, and then providing the username/password for each session. Being able to set/clear these from the host page would be preferred. Doing so in such as way that it can be set for multiple sessions at the same time would be preferred as well.

Pending Review

Support for connecting to a headless endpoint (windows computer without a monitor plugged in).

joelcrburgess 5 years ago updated by jlang 2 months ago 39

Currently there is no support for connecting to a headless endpoint (windows computer without a monitor plugged in). This is a big problem, as we are in the middle of moving from Bomgar to Control and now we realize that we can't support many of our client's servers or even Win10 computers who are headless. Even though the client has no monitor connected, we should still be able to see the Explorer GUI, other remote support apps certainly can do this. This is a HUGE feature-lack.

Considering for Future Release

Whitelist custom extensions in 6.5+

shawnkhall 7 years ago updated by David T 3 years ago 22

Background: Control 6.5 imposes a signature validation scheme to ensure the integrity of the Connect install (per this post). This is a net good for most of the community base. For the rest of us it's more trouble than it's worth.

Request: We need the ability to either whitelist custom extensions from validation or disable the signature validation scheme entirely.

Reasoning: I've developed quite a few extensions in an on-premise Control installation to automate significant portions of my business. I'm not willing to share some of this code since it exposes the inner workings of my business, sometimes usernames and passwords, trigger URLs, and plenty of other information that would be useless for the rest of the world, but could increase the risk of my own business data should it be shared with a third party -- even ConnectWise. Microsoft, Google and Adobe have each been hacked in the past, so it's safe to assume that anything I share with CW will eventually be exposed as well.

The hosted developer instance option requires me to share business logic and requires significant rewrites to the code for each of my extensions to be able to prevent business information exposure. Furthermore, as far as I can tell, some of the functionality can not be rewritten in a way that prevents this exposure.

I've submitted an extension to CW in the past and it took weeks to have it approved. It took weeks to be approved for a developer instance. I can only imagine initial approval of each of my extensions to be able to use them in my own on-premise install will take weeks as well, and even minor updates to my extension (such as cosmetic changes or field formatting) will likely take weeks to be approved as well. 

On-premise users require the ability to continue to use and develop our extensions without exposure to ConnectWise. Please enable us to whitelist our custom extensions within the web.config so we can maintain the integrity of our own installations and source code.

Under Review

Deploy CW Control mobile apps with defined URL through MDM systems (.APK)

Peter Öhgren 7 years ago updated by John Case 9 months ago 13 1 duplicate

The ability to deploy mobile app of Connetwise Control through MDM systems with predefined URL to Control Server. So end users don't have to put in the correct URL when support is needed.


Pending Review

Exclusion Permissions

Andrew H 8 years ago updated by AJ Joria 2 years ago 11 3 duplicates

It would be nice to be able to have "Deny" based permissions so that we can exclude some users from being able to access certain sites. Right now, the only way to do this is to create an inclusive permission set of all the sites less the one(s) you don't want these users to have access to. This can be time consuming when you have over 50 sites and each site has a dozen permssions

Considering for Future Release

Add/remove the need for consent per device instead of all or nothing

matt langdon@rmmsolutions com 8 years ago updated by anonymous 7 years ago 5 2 duplicates

Add a way to add/remove the need for consent for workstations and servers per device in a session group instead of all or nothing.

Considering for Future Release

unattended access password prompt separate from AD Authentication

justin mcivor 8 years ago updated by Hussain El-Sayed 3 months ago 20 5 duplicates

TeamViewer, LogMeIn and BomGar have this and we would like this on ScreenConnect Side as well


Android Control of all Phones!

nn 3 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 7 months ago 73 6 duplicates

Pleas make it possible to install and manage android devices full by remote control.

ASAP because we have to use teamviewer since then


We'll be sending out the Beta test link on Monday or Tuesday next week, so be on the lookout in your gmail account for the link. I'll post here when it is live!