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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Allow CustomPropertyN to be Set via Trigger

c hindson 4 years ago 0

Can a trigger rule be added to allow Session.CustomProertyN to be updated via Event.Data?

A working example we are trying to achieve is to set the CustomProperty7 to the file version of a software package to allow Access Sessions to be filtered automatically upon the software package being updated. Using the current tools we can script via Session events getting the file version and adding it as a note but it would be good to add be able to set this event.data to be returned to the CustomProperty.

Pending Review

Client for Aarch64, Arm64 64 bit Ubuntu 20.04 on Raspberry Pi 4

Michael Best 4 years ago updated by David Swenson 3 years ago 2

I'm running a few desktop web browser/printing kiosks with Ubuntu 20.04 for our warehouse on Raspberry Pi4s, which is arm64/AArch64, so a deb built for this platform would be very useful. I don't know what your build platform is, but it should be possible to setup build environments with docker/qemu or other virtual machine systems.

Kernel "uname -a": Linux localhost 5.8.0-1016-raspi #19-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 9 20:12:43 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I commented on this other feature request as well asking for the same thing.


Pending Review

Ability to send triggers to multiple email addresses

Kyle Simpson 4 years ago updated by mike louis 2 years ago 2

Could we get the ability to send triggers to multiple email addresses?

Pending Review

Ability to block access by more than one remote user per computer (host?)

Ray Crosier 4 years ago 1 1 duplicate

We would like to have the ability to block remote access to a computer in Connectwise Control, so that if someone is ALREADY using it, a second person cannot connect to it UNLESS they are an admin user in Screen Connect.

For instance, as you can see below, a user, Suzanne, is connected to 'GB-VHOST1' currently.  We would like to be able to make GB-VHOST1 NOT be available to another user at this time, because Suzanne is currently connected to it.

UNLESS the user is an administrator in Screen Connect.

Image 887

Pending Review

Need a digitally signed version of Quick Support SOS executable

Raffi Simci 4 years ago 0

The installation process gets blocked both by antivirus and Windows 10 and the users are questioning whether it is trustworthy or not. Is it possible to publish a digitally signed version of the Quick Support SOS executable 

Pending Review

Connect to iOS for Access customers

klishb 4 years ago 0

I see the option to remotely view an iOS device using a session code:


With the Access product we don't have session codes.  In Android, we have the option to "Open Active Connections", but this option is missing in the iOS app.  Support recommended I put in a feature request.

Pending Review

Send to Screen Keyboard Shortcut

Will B 4 years ago 0

I would like it to be easier to send credentials to the access client. Currently you must go into the correct area on the GUI and select Send to Screen. It would be nice to have either a keyboard shortcut, such as Ctrl + Alt + P (p for password), as you have already built Ctrl + Alt + Home for CtrlAltDel functionality. 

Ways to help IMO:

-Add a shortcut key for Send to Screen

-Create custom shortcut toolbar so that agents can have a set of common tools they use (in this case, for us, the most common tools would be a button to send CtrlAltDel and another for Send to Screen).

My current workflow:

System Admin creates the access session and saves the Windows credentials using Prompt for Storage. 

At some point, a user will come along and use the Access session to take care of the issue, never seeing the credentials. Most likely the screen will be at a Windows login prompt

Pending Review

Host pass security role

Kevin Tuinstra 4 years ago updated by Jory v Bakel 4 years ago 2

I have been trying out the Remote Workforce extension where I can assign computers and found out that anybody can do a "Get Host Pass" if they have console access.  I need the host pass for outside vendors for some roles but not all roles should have it.  So, having a get host pass role would fix this problem.

Pending Review

Replace Mono with .Net Core

f giugliano 4 years ago updated by Allen Crist 3 years ago 1

Please discontinue using Mono and switch to .Net Core.

Pending Review

Why is there no spellcheck feature for the messages box? This should be added.

Gerald 4 years ago 0