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Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Pending Review

Restart service if not connected

Jonathan Hemmings 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

We have a problem with the clients not always connecting after a reboot or when then turn on their terminal.

The service will run but screen connect will say Waiting to retry and Last Error: A socket operation.

Restarting the service fixed the problem instantly.

So my main question is. Is there a log or output or a way of seeing if the client is connected that i can see with powershell? If so then i can use powershell to execute a restart of the service if it has failed .

Thank you


Pending Review

File Exploroer

Jeffery Caudill 2 years ago 0

We are new to the Control platform, and the other platform that we used had the option to open file explorer.  This came in handy when a user moved a file and thought that they had deleted, or to put items on desktops for users that were not on a domain, in order to not disturb the end user to do it.

Pending Review

Set Auto-consent on a per company

Michael (STEP) 2 years ago 0

We have specific auto consent requirements as a MSP on a per company basis and would like to see that implemented as soon as possible

Pending Review

Friendly Name to show on both RMM and Control Dashboards

angela blancopulido 2 years ago updated by swhite (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1

The RMM console has the ability to add friendly names to devices, however this does not carry over to the ConnectWise Control dashboard.

It'd be great to be able to see the friendly name of the device on both dashboards/device lists.

Also, the way ConnectWise Control groups devices by company (sites) on the left panel is a great feature. I wish the RMM did the same at some point (so we don't have to be applying filters all the time).


This request would have to be fulfilled by the RMM console integration team, as it is not a function of control. I have forwarded this to that product team.

Pending Review

Unable to reopen client chat window after minimize or Show Windows Desktop

justin@imaginesystems net 2 years ago updated by Rishikesh Gajul (Product Manager) 2 years ago 1



When you minimize the CW chat window on a client PC you can never get it to show back up again. Even closing the chat window completely and then typing a new chat from the CW portal will not result in a chat window reappearing. The windows has been lost. This means that you must never minimize a chat window (or even click "show windows desktop" to minimize all windows) or you will lose your chat window until the client ScreenConnect agent service is restarted.

Support is aware of this issue to the extent that they removed the minimize button from the chat window in order to avoid the problem. But the issue remains, you're left juggling an open chat window even as it gets in the way of working on the client PC. And be sure to never use the show desktop option when a client PC has 30 windows open or you're lose the ability to chat with them.

It is terribly frustrating that this problem first occurred well over a year ago and it has still not been solved, and any inquiry to support about this problem it is met with instructions to make a feature request for a base level function that should be a given.

For Shame! This is not a feature. This is a bug fix. It used to work and it still should. Please fix this problem.

Pending Review

Trigger functionality for Session Events (which make use of QueuedCommands) need possibility for linebreaks/newline to support multiline scripts

Stefan Farnik 2 years ago 0

right now when I want to use a PowerShell script, which needs the #!ps (shebang) on a (separate) first line, are not possible to create.

I had the Service Ticket#15802346 already open, where it got confirmed that this is an overlooked thing.

This feature request is for tracking purposes and I hope its implemented soon.


Pending Review

Access and Backstage/Terminal Window access to Apple/Mac Computer simultaneously

nalinda 3 years ago 0

We need to be able to connect via 2 windows to Apple/Mac Computer simultaneously

  1. one window will have Access
  2. second will have, Backstage/Terminal

This will allow us to execute commands in the background while working on the desktop.

This is possible from Automate.

Pending Review

Option to hide ConnectWise client app toolbar on MAC OS

Csaba Urban 3 years ago updated by Caitlin M Barnes (Product Manager) 3 years ago 1

Dear Support Team,

is there any option to hide the toolbar in the client app on MAC OS?

On Windows, we can hide it, however on MAC I need to zoom out (to 96%) to see the whole remote desktop.

It is so inconvenient, it makes the remote desktop smaller and blurry. :(

If at the moment there is no such option is there any plan to have such an option?



Pending Review

Chrome OS app zoom and pan

Simon 3 years ago updated by Jesse Stallings 2 years ago 1

The documentation for the Chrome OS app talks about a zoom and pan function but I don't see any when I launch it on my Chromebook.


Was this function lost after the Android app started to be used?

Since my Chromebook has a small screen and my remote device has a large screen, everything is tiny.

I wish I can zoom in. This is, like, basic functionality.

Pending Review

Password Reset - End User Notification

Sean Keown 3 years ago updated 3 years ago 4

We have 500+ users and i get constant calls about the platform not accepting the password reset.

When resetting passwords users need to know why they can't set the password.. i.e

  • Password Too Weak
  • Password does not meat the minimum requirements
  • Password has been used in the past. 
  • Anything would be better than what's below...  honestly....

Image 1006

When they try again they get the following...  But in reality the system just sent them another email with another token to try again but this notification says nothing along those lines. It just says, contact your admin. 

Image 1007

  1. Why does this have to be so confusing?
  2. Why do i have to help with every password reset?

I was looking to see if this has already been posted and i think i found a topic that's asking for the same thing but it was from 7 years ago OMG.... and comments are disabled... 

7 years... 
